Ok, so we're all tripping over shame glo8es 8ecause some of us woke up with different 8odies like we're not used to Yawntheon 8eing an uncooperative shit, 8lah 8lah 8lah.
That is, like, shit no one really c8res a8out!
Seriously, shut up!!!!!!!!
Now that THAT is over with,
I would like to address a more important matter
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That You Are Otherwise Well And As Usual
Since It Seems Some People Were Affected In Their Personalities Too
A Few Apartments Were Blown Up And So On
Are you still a troll, Fussyfangs?
I Think The Most Sensitive And Interesting Bits Have Been Discussed In Person Or Behind Filters
It May Be Dull In The Life Of Vriska
But Quite A Few People Seem Alarmed By It All
Anyway No Im Not A Troll Right Now
Let Me Switch To Video To Demonstrate
[After a moment, video begins streaming, showing the side of Kanaya's head as she peers around the SFC to make the appropriate switch over. She moves back into view and smiles sheepishly.]
If you'd rather talk through text that's fine, but I figured the picture would more quickly show you what you were curious about. I'm not quite human, though, either.
[She moves the video to show herself and then she squints as she stares at Kanaya.]
Huh! Why aren't you pink?
[But that is not a topic to dwell on. Kanaya returns the examination of appearance, and shrugs.]
I don't know. It seems like humans all---or nearly all---have the same blood color, but a variety of skin colors. The pale pink ones we know are just a small part of their spectrum.
I hadn't noticed the color having a specific... feeling. It's skin. I think it feels the same that other humanish skins would.
[So if the humans failed due to being human, how would they have done as trolls? Which reminds her...]
Apparently some of the humans were turned into trolls, like Rose and John.
Bright, I guess?
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