{ 15 ♏ text + video } - 8ACKD8ED TO FRID8Y 888| i just want humans k

Jul 04, 2011 17:47

Ok, so we're all tripping over shame glo8es 8ecause some of us woke up with different 8odies like we're not used to Yawntheon 8eing an uncooperative shit, 8lah 8lah 8lah.
That is, like, shit no one really c8res a8out!
Seriously, shut up!!!!!!!!
Now that THAT is over with,
I would like to address a more important matter. ::::)

While I am currently pink and soft with stupid, yellow hair like a worthless human, rest assured, I am still 8adass and 8eautiful.
That is all.
You can all t8ke a relieved sigh now!
I'm aw8re all my loyal fans have 8een fretting a8out my condition. <3

P.S. 8efore any of you assholes ask where I've 8een (I know all of you will), I've o8viously 8een t8king care of my irons in the fire, duh!!!!!!!!
I'm too important to upd8 myself with everyone's 8ullshit. ::::D

been playing video games all month, an ego the size of a green sun, what loyal fans?, huge bitch bluh bluh

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