OK SO. I'm sure plenty of people are wondering. "Is my character worthy to wield Mjolinir"? Well, that depends. I'll try to explain what the qualifications are for being able to wield Mjolinir (warning: slight amounts of comic- and headcanon were used in the making of this post), which are the following:
1. You must be a good guy. You must be a noble person. No evil or morally questionable person can lift the hammer. Ever. The only ways that can happen is if a. someone is Hulk strong, b. Odin takes the enchantment off, of c. someone can negate Odin's enchantment with something stronger. Which, given that Odin is the GODDAMNED ALLFATHER, and this is Star Kingdom, that will not happen. *shot for the Frank Miller reference*
2. You must have the heart/wisdom of a king. Most of the prerequisites tend to tie back to this one, because this one is VERY important. This means you have to, in general, make the right decisions when/where they matter, usually those of the hard, selfless kind. This doesn't mean your character has to be a genius or even particularly smart (because otherwise Thor would never have gotten Mjolinir back), but they have to have common sense of some kind - and also be willing to make certain decisions. Even if it means dying to protect something. Or even killing someone (or refraining from killing) to protect someone.
3. You must have a strong will/soul. Wielding Mjolinir is not for the weak of heart. One has to be able to control the power, and more importantly, be able to use it properly. That kind of power is not for someone who runs away from battle or who is afraid of using the power to attack and even others. Hence why Superman (even if it's technically non-canonical, it still makes sense) of all people turned out to be unworthy - he absolutely refused to kill people, which would be considered a selfish need and not strong-willed.
4. You must have a strong sense of justice. You can't be all ammoral. You're not allowed to be a Liefeld character. Thor tried that and LOOK WHERE IT GOT HIM. JUST LOOOOK.
5. You must be a leader. A wielder of Mjolinir must be a natural leader of men/women/people. Someone who connects to people, and inspires people to follow them through thick and thin.
6. You must have something special about you. No, we're not saying you have to be Special Snowflake Mary Sue. But almost every wielder of Mjolinir had a certain something about them that set them apart from those who were unworthy, usually a special characteristic which most people didn't have, something that cannot necessarily be defined, but something which, at the same time, make people go "there's no one else like you!" Almost every single canonical and non-canonical wielder of Mjolinir had that kind of quality about them.
7. You don't necessarily need super powers or powers/abilities of some kind. Not everyone who's wielded Mjolinir started out with super powers or abilities beforehand. It just so happens that most people who have do have powers. Then again, 95 percent of these people are people Thor hangs out or fights with all the time. BRANCH OUT A LITTLE THOR.
Anyhow...any questions, suggestions, WTFness? Post them here. XD;