Sep 25, 2011 23:46
Backtagging Yup!
Threadjacking/threadhopping Yep!
Fourthwalling Eeeeeeeeh...we'll go with no.
Fighting HELL YE--I mean yess.
Injuries Yes, BUT. Keep in mind he is difficult to injure due to his dense body structure.
Killing Ask before doing this. Also, again, keep in mind his dense body structure making him harder to kill.
Telepathy/mind-reading Ask first!
Hugging If you're a friend, of course. Just keep in mind you might get knocked over by his back slaps. ;D
Flirting Ask first. He'll tend to be dense to it, lol.
Kissing and/or other intimate actions Ask first. Keep in mind he tends to kiss women's hands, due to his code of chivalry.
Anything else you'd like to make known? There's the Mjolinir permissions below, but aside from that, nothing. :D
And because we need this:
Character name: THOR
Canon Item/creature/whatever it is: MJOLINIR, THE HAMMER OF THOR
Specific properties/abilities: Mjolnir is a powerful god's weapon. Anyone who has it will gain the powers of Thor. But, it has Odin's enchantment on it, which only allows the "worthy" to possess Thor's powers. Being "worthy" means, at least from what can be ascertained in the movie, that one must have the true heart and soul of a king, a strong and selfless will, and be on the side of justice. Otherwise Mjolnir cannot be lifted. At all. By anyone. Not even another god can lift it and negate Odin's spell if they don't fit the criteria. So, before anyone goes around smashing people in the face with it, it's best to keep in mind that VERY few people in SK will actually be able to do lift it.
Also, while in the comics Mjolnir comes it does, like, everything, in the movie only the following powers were shown (many of which will be reduced in SK so people who do end up being worthy somehow aren't going around blowing up worlds) and so only the following can be accessed:
Weather Control: Mjolnir can manipulate the weather. Specifically it can manipulate thunder, lightning, storms and wind, creating them from absolutely nothing when needed, though in SK this power can only control weather over a limited area and not the entire world. Said weather can also be concentrated to a single point in order to create a very powerful, channeled attack on any object or person. Even when it is without an owner, it can create storms at random in its vicinity, which also can give those searching for Mjolnir a clue to its location.
Strength: Whoever holds Mjolinir will have their strength multiplied greatly.
Electricity Manipulation: Given that Mjolnir can create lightning, it makes sense that it can manipulate normal electricity. Just as a warning, "manipulating electricity" usually just means "things in the immediate area will short out and black out or reception gets wonky and snowscreen-like".
Energy deflection: Mjolinir can deflect energy blasts and attacks back at an attacker.
Flying: By twirling Mjolinir and hurling it - and holding on to the hammer's leather string while doing so - a person can fly. They can also control the direction and speed they are flying at while holding onto Mjolinir.
Link: Mjolinir will return to its owner, no matter what. Even if that owner is on another world. It will go through any barrier and fly right back to them.
Difficult to Destroy: Yeah. Good luck to any bad guys trying to destroy it. It is almost impossible to do.
Why do you want them to have this item? ONE DAY WHEN THOR PROVES HE IS WORTHY, HE MUST WIELD HIS HAMMER AND FIGHT THE HEARTLESS. Also, it will be interesting to see who else might be worthy of wielding Mjolinir and using it to fight while Thor is unable to.
Where will it appear and why? I don't know where it will appear. SOMEONE PICK A PLACE.
Anything extra? Nope!