Amy's meme

Oct 17, 2007 22:08

From cthulugrrl: Post a comment here, and I will pick seven of your interests. Then you post in your own journal explaining those interests.

OK, when we moved here Steve and I started gardening. Container gardening because of all the wildlife around here. Deer, rabbits, bears, foxes are all my neighbors. Turkeys regularly run up my driveway. We had talked about a garden before but Steve actually started it last year. I was far too postnatal when Steve planted stuff to help. We started composting all the veggie bits from the kitchen, grass clippings, and fireplace ash not too long after that. This year we did much better with the garden, in part because we added the composted stuff into the dirt.
I have a sick dream of starting a composting business. Professionally crunchy. I've always been a little crunchy. Mostly in the reduce, reuse, recycle stuff. I still want a worm farm of my very own.

plein aire painting
Since moving to NY, I have been involved in a plein aire painting group. For those of you who might not know what that means it basically means painting outdoors. For me it means waking up butt early on Sundays and either freezing or sweating my ass off while painting with a bunch of hippies at local farms and stuff. Your challenged with changing light and the elements and sometimes a crazy chicken. I have only finished one painting I am relatively happy with and 2 people have asked me why I cut the pumpkin stem off. Oh and my neighbor and my dad come with me. I also do composting for them. They are pretty crunchy warm and fuzzy.

nomadic life
This is me being sarcastic. Since being engaged to Steve we have lived in 3 different houses in 3 different states. This is something I would really like to change but is a reality of being married to someone with a really specialized job.

More sarcasm. Probably a good place to tell everyone we are moving back to Bowie, Maryland.

I love google. I use it all the time. That's basically it.

stock photos
I am trying to get into selling my photos as stock. I got accepted to a site back when I was pregnant. Didn't submit any photos until recently. After much trial and error I finally got one accepted. Yay! Trying to continue to take pictures that they will accept and people will want to download.

dr who
I have always had sort of geeky boyfriends. At least 2 liked Doctor Who and tried to get me into it. I never could follow it. Mostly because I only saw it here and there and it was never in any order and almost nothing seemed to make sense. Then they came out with the new fucking awesome Doctor Who. It was shown in order and I could follow it. I love it almost as must as the new Battlestar Gallactica.

Let's see who's paying attention.
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