Jan 02, 2006 20:33
Today was interesting. I woke up sick. When we arrived in our rooms they seem to have had a little mold buildup from improper air cleansing. So, it set my sinuses on the fritz. In an effort to clear out my sinuses I attempted to take a hot, steamy shower. No dice. It was only 7am at the time and I have come to find out that the resort we are staying in shuts off their water heaters between 11pm and 9am. (I have no clue why, unless it is just being cheap.)
At 9 I met up w/ my parents at this timeshare meeting. I was less than impressed and so were my folks. Actually, my mom was kinda pissed. She gets this way a lot when we travel. Anyone we are in some way a customer of that is rude to her or is giving her news she doesn't want to hear will get to see her fiery side.
After the meeting was over, I called the rental place to see if I could be added as a driver. I wanted to take off and I really didn't want to stay around our rooms any longer. Mommy and Joanie (a very angry-with-Dav Joanie) wanted to come with so I drove them to this shopping area on the French side of the island 'cause I didn't care where we went at the time. After a couple hours of watching my female kin try on clothes that they could easily find back home, casually skipping over everything unique and cool (I found several shirts, skirts, jewelry, you name it that I know Fran or Carrie or Emlyn would love), I was tired of shopping. I made them leave and we ate at this really great restaurant on Grand Case Beach.
Apparently, when I'm on this island I will crash out between 6 and 7pm and wake up a couple hours later every night. I don't know why, but it seems to be a running trend that I am not perpetuating on purpose.
I have not yet and might not all together try to rent a scooter by the way. I have found that I might very possibly avoid spending any of my own money whilst I am here. This is a noble goal.
Miss you all!
- Dav