I can't keep track anymore, but today was apparently a Friday? We went to Doyleton - a little town outside the Institute.
It was nice to get out, but it only served to remind me how far we are from home. Soubi was with me so it wasn't so bad, but I completely missed out on seeing Alfons and Miku.
So much stuff happened in the past few days (hours? what the hell, time is confusing here), and I've neglected to write about them. I shouldn't, seeing how people keep disappearing here and given the problems I have, but it's just such a pain to write when we get so little time to ourselves. I have to hide this journal now or Soubi might find it.
I found a camera though! It uses my flashlight batteries, though, so I have to be real careful about how I use it until we find more batteries. Soubi said I could use his, but battery life for digital cameras is abyssmal and we need our flashlights for the night, too.
Soubi and I made memories today in the park. It was really refreshing to get to do that again, but...
I wish I knew what to do with him. Or what it was that I was supposed to do. Or just...I just wish I knew things. Having him around is great, but it also confuses me so much. I want to talk to someone about this, but--- AUGH, it's so frustrating and embarrassing and just [huge scribble mass]
...It just makes me feel so stupid sometimes not to know what's going on. I don't know who to talk to. Certainly not Aidou. That guy pissed me off something fierce earlier. Tamaki's... busy. I feel bad bothering him since he opened his clinic in our room. The twins hate Soubi, so that's out. Maybe Alfons or Miku....but even Miku seems to be suspicious of Soubi. Alfons maybe? Gah, I don't know.
The stitches in my neck are slowly healing, but I keep ripping them open. Got a few new injuries on my leg, but nothing too bad. Other than that I want to burn the crap my nurse made me wear today. Just because I'm young doesn't mean I want to dress like I'm six years old!