Matt Maupin

Mar 30, 2008 18:38

So today, after nearly 4 years almost to the day, the US came forward and told us all they found Matt Maupin's remains. In a way it's sad.. His parents, and a lot of other people in this community, have held onto hope they would find him alive for four years.. And in one fell swoop of a phone call, all hope was gone. For my own personal opinion, I'm so happy his family finally has closure, even though it's not the outcome they had been praying for. It's weird in a way because for four years Matt Maupin's face has been plastered all over Clermont County as a symbol of hope. Yellow ribbons line our streets, his name is blown up in front of our high school, and you can't walk into a grocery store and not see his face behind the cashier's desk. It was shocking the day he was captured, it's shocking today when his body is found. My prayers go out to his family. It's weird to think that when Matt went missing, Alissa was still here with us. I guess she knew before any of us what had happened to Matt. I remember Diane telling us not long after she died about a journal she had found of Alissa's that ended every entry from April 9th on.. "God Bless my beautiful family, my wonderful friends, and please let them find Matt Maupin." I don't know why that sticks out in my head but it does. As April approaches and drudges up memories of both who were lost I guess it's inevitable.

Any way you look at it, life goes on. Be thankful for what you have, while you have it. I know I am.
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