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i feel like crap like a total idiot but yet it hasn't seemed to change much. Despite all of that, I still want to do what got me in this probably self-proclaimed "mess". What can I say? I'm screwed up.
My sister called today 2nd time I've talked to her in almost 3 weeks. At first I didn't really realize it. I was like "hello" and she was like "hi!" and I was like "hi" and she asks, "how are u" and I say "oh! Hi! How are you? good." she starts to laugh and asks if I didn't know who it was. They won $325 at the casino.
And, of course I feel like more of an asshole when I talk to Rob sometimes. Sometimes he mentions certain stuff and I just try to avoid it or change the subject. And of course, obviously, he realizes it and says something about it. Which makes me feel like more of an asshole. He tells me that somehow, I know more about him then his best friend, that he tells me more than he tells anyone. Same right back to him. Well there are somethings I dont tell him, but those are things I don't tell anyone really. And I really wish I had that one friend, or maybe a couple, that I could tell that stuff to.
I always think "next year will be different" but it never is. I hate to give up on that but it's just like getting my hopes up because no kidding, nothing goes as planned. I wish Rob were online so I could talk to him. I don't think he knows how much he has become a really good friend to me and its weird cuz we've never met in person and prolly wont for a while. He thinks its because of my cousin but its not. Would I tell him the real reason? No.
So I was babysitting today and we were laying in his parents bed, watching tv, he had been sick lately so she said that all they have been doing is laying in bed watching movies and stuff and reading so she just moved the tv in there. So I decided to take a little nap too with him cuz I had only got like 3 hours of sleep the night before and so, around like 2 I wake up, and he was on the very edge of the bed but didn't think anything of it. Then all of a sudden, he rolls over and falls right on the floor. I jumped up and was like are you ok?! And picked him up and put him back on the bed and he just says "can I watch veggie tales?" I was laughing and like, in a few minutes. And he fell back to sleep. I know it sounds mean but it really was funny.