
Jun 22, 2005 20:09

So I help the other teachers at work with computer stuff. There of course is stuff I throw my hands up and go I have no idea (Jess and Andrew would know about that) but I can do stuff in Word and power point and all that.

Anyway I have been helping the new French teacher set up her lap top. The stuff I can do. Anyway she was asking me questions and then came into the room I was in - she was in the next room - in a panic saying I don't know what I did, I tried to put google in my favourites and then something happened and I think I put the wrong site in. I was like easy to fix and went to her laptop and it was off and she said oh its hibernating. So turn it on and see that the battery light is flashing as she tells me as she tried to add google to favourites it hibernated.

I asked her didn't she hear it beep and see the warning sign that the battery was low and needed recharging *it was down to 3%*

Her reply was "I thought we were wireless here?" I said wireless yes for the network but not for the power.

Hee she didn't have her cord with her so that was her computer adventures for the day.
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