Happy July 4th!

Jul 04, 2005 05:28


Gonna be gone for a few days, probably a week. With the holiday and all.My mom is coming home tomorrow-No TODAY!! Yay! So we are gonna spend some time together, Gonna try and go see War of the Worlds. I just hope its not too crowded if we do. Oh I forgot to post that I am babysitting dogs(from last thursday) to Sunday for everyone who has gone to the beach on vacation *must be nice* and they(2 of them) are drving me crazy, Pinto the chijuajcahjjak(yeah you get what I am getting  at) is so calm and relaxed while scrappy is like he is on speed! He is a bull dog btw, about 3 months hes still small but way bigger than Pinto and Pinto keeps growling and fighting with him because Scrappy is getting on his nerves. And EWWW!!! I hate dogs who aren't trained- Shit everywhere YUCK! I stepped in it and almost threw up, I havent stepped in crap in year and it hit me hard-lol. Made 34 New icons, Fight Club & Garden State-so check em out.Speaking of Fight Club, I have a new mood theme! I love it! Well I will see (you know what I mean) yall soon, *GOSH I dread that friends list*. Also try and fugure out my movie memes

-Bye Now, Mycah

List five songs that you are currently digging... It doesn't matter what genre they are, whether they have words, whether or not they're your favorites, or even if they're any good. They must simply be songs you're really enjoying right now.

Post these instructions along with your five songs, and then tag five other people to see what they're listening to.
  • 1. Queens of the Stoneage "Feel Good Hit Of The Summer"
  • 2. Poe "Hey Pretty"
  • 3. The Album Leaf "Eastern Glow"
  • 4. The Dandy Warhols "We Used To Be Friends"
  • 5. Friday Night Lights - The Movie's Score.


Whoever wants to do it -I'm lazy :P

personal, tagged

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