Movie Meme Time!

Jul 04, 2005 00:16

Movie Meme!

Seeing how everyone has done this, I feel out of the loop not doing it yet, anyways its my Movie Meme. You know the drill, but if not then here are the rules...

1. Pick movies that mean a lot to you and choose one cap from each movie.
2. Post those caps in your LJ and screen all comments.
3. Anyone may reply(most people do just friends but I don't care)
4. No looking at my user info or cheating in any other way, you don't have to comment with all 20 titles!
5. Please try and give the exact title (I will accept abbrievations as long as they are poular ones)

I tried to make it pretty difficult, so if you get most of them you're awesome! If you get all of them well, I will do anything for you, make you a graphic, layout whatever! I would get you a paid account for a few months but since I am making mine for everyone I won't do that, If I do any more I will do that. :) Some are so obvious (atleast to me) so their isn't a need to cheat, and most aren't in my userinfo- so ha!

movies, meme

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