in my art class we had/have to fill out a simple sheet to help us plan out how we're doing our "non-traditional materials self portrait".
i couldn't sleep so i was listening to my MOST FAVORITE radio talk show in the world, coast to coast[ ].
they had a guest on the show whom was involved in a lot of study of quantom physics, whom was a highly renouned spiritual healer, who had workshops for things like healing, obtaining out of body experiences, and other life improvement things.
people called in to ask his opinions on things, share their own opinions on things and ask for advice, etc.
he kept on explaining how the scientific world is changeing their views on religion, and saying that science and spirituality are going hand in hand with eachother because of how so many "spiritual" things are becomeing explained scientificly, ecspecialy with the field of quantom physics.
yeah. so, i was so interested in the show. i was so extremely happy that i was able to be awake to listen to it. i started taking notes on the things that i really liked. i made like four pages of beautiful notes. 75% of the reason why i made them was so that i could use them in my self-portrait thing, and also so that i could gather inspiration for the self-portrait.
and as i was finishing up i realsied ti would make quite a nice lj enty to list some of them out. and yeah, i'm glad one of my first entrys is this one.\
alright, keep in mind that these aren't listed out in any organised matter, and some of them don't even protain to the subject of what i'm saying they are. haha. and yeah, some are pretty gay and uninteresting and happen to be pure shit. And yeah, some are opinion and some are like, fact. If the word "quantom physics" is in the paragraph, it's accepted to the scientific community.
1. The vibration of the earth is going up. The universe is growing/expanding at a much faster rate now than it ever has before. It is believed that this has a very big impact of the conciousness of everyone on earth, and that the conciousness of the average person is changeing in a big way from what it previously was in past times.
2. We all know what our purpose was deep inside of ourselves, and it's found by figureing out what truely moves you. Inspirated states of conciousness are how spiritual revealtion happens.
3. From the sun, earth is so tiny it can barely be seen, it's like a pixel. The sun is concitered to be an inferior star, it's tiny and weak. Conciter how tiny of a role we play in the universe. We are the main charectors in our lives, but a bit part charector in the universe and in the master plan. People think their problems are such big deals.
4. It is beleived by many scientists that "behind" black holes are other universes.
5. When the guest on the show was talkign about times when he's worked with people to help them obtain out of body experiences, he said that some people had trouble regaining motor function when it was over.
6. The brain stores information in holographic form. [look this up, this explanation is bullshit and this is very interesting]
7. Quantom physics states that everything we conciter as objects[computers, chairs, etc.] is just inference patterns. Like. Vibrations.
8. Our higher selves[souls] speak to us through our dreams.
9. Science and religion are becomeing coexistant because quantom physics says that all energy comes from the same source. The source is refered to as some scientists as "the mind of god".
10. the past, present, and future coexists. time is an abstract concept.
11. energy can never be created or destroyed, it only changes shape. [duh]
12. the insides of our bodies is darker than the farest debths of outter space.
13. water, in almost every anchient culture, has been concitered a symbol of the spirit. and the moon has been a symbol of unconciousness. we all know that the moon controls water, and controls the tides.
14. diffrent states of conciousness are just as real as what you conciter "reality". dreams are just as real as waking life. It takes just a simple thought to make a change in your brain in reality[ex=an extremely insignifigent subconcious thought can make a change in your endorphins, which can in turn completely change your perception]. In a dream it can instantly change as the drop of a hat.[ex=saying the word "paris" can bring you there.] They're the same thing, they just have diffrent labels, and ether state is no more signifigent than the other.
I hope you liked this as much as I liked it. I'm sorry that i can't explain things as well as the guy did. And what i'm saying proably doesn't even make any sence because I don't have a lot of insight into some of the subjects.
The guy i'm talking about is James Arthur Ray.