Jul 29, 2009 15:18
Why can't cleaning wipes (the ones you use on your face, either to just clean or wipe makeup off with) taste nicer? I used one this morning rather than soap because the bloody spawn had been messing with the soap and I found it sat by the toilet... I have to buy myself some more before I head home! Point is, it's been 4 hours and I can taste the stuff at the corner of my lips, and heaven help me if I touch my fingers to my lips! AND I WASHED MY HANDS! The stuff just doesn't come off! It's evil...
Anyway, to further my unhappy post... I couldn't get the internet. Why? Well it's nice you asked! Seems that with all that messing about Virgin can't let us have internet in our area. But I'm old that it's better this way... BECAUSE WE'RE MOVING IN A FEW FUCKING WEEKS!!!! This, my darlings, is news to me. No one informed me we were moving so soon. I knew that we WANTED to move into a place altogether, but I was thinking MONTHS not WEEKS!
So after I leave here I'm gonna go and call TalkTalk. Or, better yet, get another hour online and see if I can do the order online to save me phonebills and such. (Though it is a freephone number... Anything else is premium rate though. That's lame.)
I don't wanna go with TalkTalk because they were so mean last time, but it's my only option. And I'm gonna have to pay, later, for them to move us and everything. The joy. But at least I get the internet for a little while.
And Mayoki? I WILL be online this weekend for a little while Saturday and Sunday. I can talk to you then! I has money to use at the net cafe, so that'll do me until such time as I am online and don't have to worry about such things.
I'd hoped my luck would hold and Virgin would have said yes... but I guess not. I pout now.