Dec 10, 2005 11:50
hey so not much is new. yesterday we had a snow day. wehaa! mostly just stayed in bed and worked on a lil bit of chemistry final review stuff. then i got my dad 2 take me 2 c Beauty and the Beast at Central. i thought they did a pretty good job. it was kinda different from the version we saw at the Fox in April but only a lil bit. i thought it was really cool with the fact that they actually used cables to lift ppl up into the air and the smoke going all over the place was diffenently cool. i kinda felt bad 4 the conductor tho cuz i could kinda c the smoke kinda going in her direction. and in the play i saw Lily and she did a great job and so did justin with playing the Beast. the girl who played Belle tho, omygosh, her voice was sooo good. i was reading thro the main cast bios in the program and in her bio it said that she hoped that she'd be able to go on Broadway someday. i could c that happening. i wish my shcool could perform Beauty and the Beast. i have 2 say though, that im not sure if we'd be able to pull it off. it be soo cool though if we performed it. o well i have 2 wait 2 more yrs now b4 we perform our next musical since we only do one every year, but hey, if i make concert choir next year, ill have hte Concert Choir Tour 2 look forward to. while i was at central, i met up w/ some friends i hadn't seen in 4ever like andrea newcomb (sry if i spelled ur last name wrong) and i saw jen 2 from my confirmation group and i saw trish hobel and i hadn't seen her in a while either. well im gonna go now. 2night is the Christmas party at Foxwoode, can't wait.