Dec 18, 2005 12:02
so im starting 2 care less and less about wether i update this thing or not. no one ever reads them anymore so wat point is there 2 them. i can't wait until we get a digital camera so that i can make a myspace and i no we'll have 1 soon since were getting one 4 my dad 4 Christmas. wow, Christmas is only a week away. hard 2 believe. 1st semester ends Thursday and Finals begin 2morrow. wat a pain. so our Christmas concert was last night. it went pretty well i guess. and Skye lately, has been chewing anything that she can get her grubby little teeth on. from paper 2 pillows. no matter where she's at when she's bored she manages 2 find something 2 chew on. she's even started going up on couches and chairs and grabbing pens and pencils off of tables. so went and saw Narnia Friday. it was pretty good. kinda bored rite now but in an hr i have 2 start working on final notes, wopee! (sarcasm) can't wait until Christmas vk starts tho cuz then ill be able 2 go out 2 the barn and ride my baby boy. o and i also cannot wait until spring hill which is the weekend b4 my sweet 16 in February. its gonna be great. well im out.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year