Aug 02, 2008 12:48
Ugh, I have been doing so bad...all I have been doing all week is b/ping...I feel so fat...I am too scared to weigh myself to even see how fat I am. I don't even feel like posting because its not like I have anything good to write. I kept in 4 or 5 rice cakes last night...3 had peanut butter on them...I feel so horrible about them. I want to b/p now but mom is home and I don't feel like getting "caught" or whatever I mean. ugh I hate being around people that don't like me either...I was over Chris's yesterday and of course people came who clearly don't like me...which I don't even understand why...they don't even really know me. We went to the beach yesterday and around 2:40 I ate some chips I was glad we were leaving soon so I could purge once I got home. Other than that nothing excited happened to even mention about.