(no subject)

Aug 02, 2006 22:03

Dear friend,

I think I need a break, or something. I mean, if I told you what i did today, it wouldn't sound half bad. I don't know if it's my mother driving me insane or what, but i just don't feel like dealing with myself anymore. I wish I had my license. I wish i could drive up to the lake house by myself and just lounge around all weekend. nobody to bother me, no reason to make me move. I can stay in my comfortable cocoon and stare at the wall all day if I wish. What would be even better is if my parents left me home alone for about 4 days. It'd give me a chance to relax. It'd show that they trust me. I know they don't have a reason to, though. They have no reason to trust me. They have every reason in the world not to trust me. I'm not even allowed to go on walks around the neighborhood. I live in fucking BRANDERMILL. The worst you'll find around here is and alcoholic and a few teenagers smoking some cheap pot. The best stuff you can find around here is bubblegum. I've never done pot personally, so I don't know from first hand experience. I think my mom needs my dad here. I think she just needs someone to constantly hate. I'd bet you anything that's why they're still together. If you knew how she got on me today, you'd know what I mean. She was getting on my case for the stupidest things ever. I had to refrain from laughing.

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