my house is overrun with christies

Jun 05, 2006 18:43

this summer is, apparently, the summer of weddings. i know 3 people who are doing it. one of my cousins who is only a couple of months older than matt, some kid i used to play with whose parents still talk to my parents, and Angela, the daughter of some people weve known since germany. angela is a little more than 2 years younger than me, which is so wierd bc i cant imagine getting married at 18. her wedding is the reason that i am writing this. her fiance's sister, both of whom we know from germany, and the sister's husband are staying with us for a few days until her parents get into town and then theyre gonna stay with them. until that time comes i have/get to deal with two people who used to be missionaries living with us. this means joyful car rides full of them swaping stories with my mom over the miracles that they have done/seen, the groups they were in, the bible studies they liked, the people they saved, etc. during todays 45 min car ride i learned that my mom saved an icu full of children through prayer, that he is going to get a state police job because god thinks he deserves it, that some lady named karen something writes great lesson plans for groups, and many other fascinating stories. the best part was the akward silence after they told me that i missed a great sermon today. i just love it when you can tell, as is often the case when my mom is with religious people, that she told them all about how i am "straying". this is the silence that immediately lets me know that they prayed for me. the good news is that all of the green lights, chances to merge, and other traffic things, happened because they are favored by god and god wanted to make sure that we made it to applebees in good time.
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