title: touches
foreverflickerfandom: american idol
pairing(s): cook/archuleta
rating: g
genre: fluff
disclaimer: First off, I do not own David Cook or David Archuleta or any other persons mentioned; they are all their own person. Secondly, no profit was made off of this piece of work. And, lastly, it’s fiction. All of this was created from my mind. To my knowledge, none of this has happened.
summary: cook doesn't know, but whatever the case he doesn't really care because he's touching david archuleta and he isn't pulling away, which is a feat in itself.
note(s): so, over at
cookleta_etc there was a cookleta appreciation post,
rhiminee_1 said something about how cook always like to touch archie's neck (just go back and look at your cookleta pictures, you'll see), and i got inspired. so, this is what came out of that comment. :D
cook likes to touch david. whether it be his arm, or his shoulder, cook likes to touch the boy. but most of all, cook likes to touch right where david's shoulder meets his neck, and maybe even his neck. the skin is the softest there, in cook's opinion, so he touches it (plus, it is the skin - other than that on david's face or hands, or arms if he is wearing a short-sleeve t-shirt - that cook can touch). he'll sling his arm over david's shoulder, and rest his hand upon that spot, or a spot close to his neck. sometimes he give a small, reassuring squeeze, but other times he'll just let his hand rest there, letting his callused fingertips feel the soft skin underneath them.
david doesn't seem to mind it. he actually seems to relax under cook's touch, which cook finds a good thing because david doesn't like to be touched much. he's not a touchy-feely kind of guy like cook is, and likes his personal bubble while cook doesn't know what a personal bubble is. but now, weeks into the competition, it seems that david has figured out that cook likes to touch people and isn't going to stop, so he just relaxes into cook's touch. or, maybe he likes cook's touch? cook doesn't know, but whatever the case he doesn't really care because he's touching david archuleta and he isn't pulling away, which is a feat in itself.
so, he does this - in pictures, on stage, or just when they are hanging out. it is like a habit now, for him to just sling his arm around david's shoulders and touch or squeeze at the boy's neck or shoulder. nobody questions him about it, and david is still not pulling away, so cook is totally fine.
but, he starts getting careless and starts just touching david when he really doesn't need to - brushing his fingers against david's shoulder, even going as far as to caress the boy's neck, and run a hand down his back. it seems like cook has started to like touching david a little too much for his own good and david is starting to get a little suspicious of him. which is why it doesn't really shock cook when he asks, while their on tour, why cook keeps touching him.
"i'll stop," cook says, and david's eyes go wide and he shakes his head violently.
"no! you don't have to stop!" he cries out, and cook raises an eyebrow causing david's face to blush a deep red and duck his head. "i mean - i just, i just wanna know why you keep doing it."
cook shrugs his shoulders. "i guess i just like to," he replies casually, not really knowing what to say 'cause he's never really thought about why he touches david - he just does. he likes it, likes it a lot and he's never liked touching anybody so much before. hell, he's never liked someone so much before.
"you just, um, like to?" cook nods his head, and david looks a little defeated. "okay, um, i think i'll just go. goodnight cook," he says and moves to leave the hotel room but cook reaches out, grabbing his wrist and stopping him from going. cook can feel david's pulse racing underneath his fingers.
"archie. i do it because i like you," cook states, and david's pulse begins to beat faster (if that is even possible) under cook's fingertips, and his face flushes a deep red once again.
"you - you like me? like, you like me, like me?" cook nods his head, a small smile crossing his lips. "i - i like you too, cook."
it's then when the two kiss, lips pressing and moving against one another, slowly and languidly, like they have all the time in the world. when they part, david is slightly out of breath and face flushed while cook's cheeks are just tinted red, and his lips a little darker than before. "so, when do i get to touch the other parts of you?"
david gasps. "cook!"
cook just lets out a laugh as he wraps his arms around david's waist and pulling him against him. "i'm kidding, i'm kidding. don't worry. as long as i get to keep kissing you, we're good," he replies with a grin.
david smiles. "i think that we can do that," he answers before leaning forward and capturing cook's lips in another kiss.