Away From His Hand Chapter 14

Sep 19, 2011 15:54

Title: Away From His Hand - Chapter 14
Current Mood: Curious
Current Music: Savoy Truffle by The Beatles    
Author: forever9218
Pairing: Ennis and Jack
Genre: AU/Canon
Word Count: 5468
Disclaimer: Brokeback Mountain is the intellectual property of Ms. Annie Proulx. No money is being made from this work and no copyright infringement is intended. Just trying to paint new horizons for our beloved boys.
Dedication: To everyone here who still believes and is willing to be patient with the slowest writer that ever graced the planet.
Summary: The year is 1977, and Jack is still playing by Ennis’ rules of meeting up once or twice a year for a “friendly” fishing trip. Never hope of anything more, and certainly no chance of living a sweet life together. This time, however, unlike all the years of missed opportunities, Jack is determined not to go down the mountain without some promises being made. Both men feel in their bones that time is running out for them so, as an alternative to pointless arguing, they actually begin to talk about planning a future together. When unforeseen circumstances arise and an orphaned wolf pup enters the scene, their world starts to change in many unexpected ways. Before they know it, actions are set into motion and suddenly the possibility of living a life together every day, doesn’t seem so impossible.

Shit, I sure hope Jack likes bananas. Then again, I guess it wouldn’t be the end of the world, if he doesn’t.  I can easily whip up a separate batch of sauce and pour it over a slice of that fresh made pound cake I baked up this morning. Add a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream to top it all off and I’ll have the makings of a dessert to satisfy just about anyone’s sweet tooth. On the other hand, I’ve got a powerful feeling that bananas must be Ennis’ fruit of choice because I’ve caught him, on more than a few occasions, eating one out at the ranch. Bet that tropical fruit is probably about as close to adventuresome as those taste buds of his ever get. Any variety of apples would likely come in a pretty close second, because he sure does chomp down on a lot of those too. That is, when he’s not sharing the snack with one of them horses he’s so fond of.

Guess I could have played it safe and made a pie or some kind of cobbler with the Granny Smiths I still had left over after the applesauce I cooked up last week. Only reason I didn’t go that route was because I’m pretty darn sure these guys have eaten that kind of stuff a thousand times since they were kids. Doesn’t really matter if someone’s from the Northwest or the North Coast of California, Americans continue to be all about homemade apple pie. It’s always on the menus of restaurants and roadside diners and I don’t think there’s a week that has gone by that I don’t come across that TV commercial, where the catchy jingle is all about “Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet.” Talk about Madison Avenue brainwashing. Heaven forbid if folks might try something new for a change. Expand their palates. Get those taste buds revved up. Course not everyone’s as passionate about food as I am, but Geez Louise, give me a break. Live a little people!

I really can’t wait to see their faces when I begin to prepare this stuff though. That alone will be worth the risk of springing something new on them. Ennis sure does scarf down those cookies I bring him every once in a while. Obviously, he’s got a fondness for sweets because he doesn’t remind me of the kind of guy who would eat something just so he won’t hurt your feelings. I’d bet my last thin dime that he’s absolutely going to go ape over this concoction. Ha! Go ape! Now, that’s got to be the perfect choice of words for going crazy over a dessert made with bananas.  Well, at least, he’ll get about as excited as Ennis Del Mar is likely to get about anything, I suppose. Although I have to say, I’m beginning to think there’s a lot more life underneath all that grit, gristle and grumble, a whole lot more than meets the naked eye, that’s for certain. Jack sure as heck must think so because I can tell he and Ennis are real close.

Hmm. I wonder how long those two have been taking those fishing trips up into the mountains, because I got the distinct impression that they’ve been doing that sort of thing for a long time. Maybe I’ll find out some more details today, along with a lot of other things I’m still curious about. Yeah, I know I’m literally a nosy Nellie, but these guys really do intrigue me. They’re so close I’ll just bet he told Jack about me first chance he got. The plain truth is I kind of hope that’s exactly what he ended up doing. Sure would make things less complicated for me because then I wouldn’t have to rethink everything I say like I’m walking on eggshells.

After he and Jack accepted my invitation to stay for dinner the other night, I swear that Ennis must have grinned two or three times during the evening. That’s when it hit me that I’ve known Ennis for about a year now, and don’t think I’ve ever seen the guy smile once. Could see he was still nervous, but Jack sure can carry a conversation with the best of them and really seems to bring Ennis out of his shell. I’m not surprised that he used to be a bull rider because he’s such a gregarious kind of guy. Suppose that’s why they’ve been friends all these years. Course, I still don’t really know exactly when they met, but you can tell just by the way they’re so comfortable around one another that maybe they grew up together or something. I remember Jack mentioning that he was originally from Wyoming, but now lives with his wife and son in Texas and that he sells expensive farm equipment. Maybe that’s the reason those fishing trips started up. Just could be a way for them to keep in touch. Got to say though, they sure do seem different from one another. People say opposites attract when it comes to married couples so I suppose it applies to fishing buddies as well. Even though I have to admit they do seem awfully familiar with one another. I mean, what else could they be, but friends, right? Ack! What am I’m doing, anyway? I’m beginning to think I’ve been going without for much too long these days cause it sure as heck seems like all I’ve got on the brain is sex. That or food. Either way, I’m definitely suffering from some kind of oral fixation. Ha! Apparently, the kind of oral fixation that hasn’t seemed to hurt my sense of humor any.

Still, it’s been almost two months since I took that quick trip over into Denver. I’m beginning to think maybe it’s just about time to plan another one of them excursions real soon. Fair or not, part of the problem is that I’ve been unduly provoked these last few days. Let’s face it even that Freddie Prinze character on Chico and the Man would say that these guys are looo-king gooood! Got to admit, I always thought Ennis was the sexiest thing I ever laid eyes on, but this Jack Twist guy is one hot sonofabitch too. What a smile, and with dimples to boot. Never mind those incredible eyes! Jiminy Crickets and batten down the hatches. I swear I was going to blow a load on the spot when he winked at me over dinner the other night. Maybe I gushed a bit too much about how grateful I was for Ennis saving my job when I first arrived at the ranch, but Jack sure seemed appreciative that I was giving Ennis his due. Gotta say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen eyes that kind of blue before. Kinda reminds me of the Pacific Ocean. Then again, can’t say my gaze didn’t travel a whole lot lower, but I’m sure he didn’t notice. I’ve gotten real good at not drawing attention to my need to appreciate certain, ahem, natural wonders. If I do say so myself, I’m darn good at focusing on that particular part of the male anatomy, without causing unwanted notice. Then there are those legs that just seem to go on forever. Hot damn! Never mind that fine ass….fuck! Why the hell do all the good ones have to be straight?

Suppose I should stop daydreaming about Jack Twist’s hot body and get my act together here. Best to be concentrating on the road before I drive my truck right into some damn ditch. Now, that would be mighty awkward trying to explain to the local sheriff while I’m all busted up in some hospital bed somewhere. “Well, you see sir, I got distracted thinking about this, dreamy-eyed, tall drink of water banging me into the next century.” Yeah, that should get me off the hook alright. Off the hook and right into a hangman’s noose. I’m in Wyoming, after all. Not exactly the most gay friendly territory there is. So much for the Equality State.

Let’s see, where exactly was I? Oh yeah, who am I fooling? Ennis told me not to bring anything, but the truth is I want these guys to like me. Been in Riverton about a year now and I still hardly know anyone around these parts. At least, that’s what I wanted when I came out here initially, a little peace and quiet. My mother always used to talk about her happy childhood growing up near Cheyenne.  Thought it sounded romantic to hit the road and actually see some real cowboy country for a change. Now, I wouldn’t deny that the opportunity to see a few living, breathing cowboys, along the way, seemed like a damn good idea too. Course I really couldn’t resist the opportunity to visit the stomping grounds of good old Yogi Bear and Jellystone National Park.  Got to say, when I was a boy, I often wondered about that cute little constant companion of his…old Boo-Boo! Seriously though, Dad said he’d take me to Yellowstone before we moved out to California, from Billings.  But, like a lot of things when it came to me, he just never got around to it.

No doubt, the other main attraction to relocating out here was just gettin’ away from California and that asshole ex-boyfriend of mine. Everything was going real good, until he saw how folks liked my culinary creations better than his at that fancy Napa Valley restaurant I was working at. You think he would have been proud of me, seeing as how he was my mentor in more ways than one. Ah, what the hell. The past’s the past. No need to continue to harbor ill will. Need to move on and make me a new life. Coming here was supposed to give me time to think about my next move, not who I was going to make my next move on. Oh, good. Here’s the A & P Mart. I’ll just stop off here to pick up the ice cream and then be on my way. Hope I’m not too early for the guys. Last thing I want to do is seem overanxious. 

“Ennis! Quit your fussin’ and get over here.”

The refrigerator door slammed shut. “Whut? I’m just checkin’….”

“Yeah, I know. You’re just checkin’ to see if the steak vanished into thin air. Or, the beer evaporated and you might need to go get some more. Or, maybe the light bulb went out and we won’t be able to find our way around in the dark.”

Ennis frown. “You makin’ fun of me, Jack?”

Jack’s eyes filled with a mild case of confusion, half expecting the frazzled behavior he was now experiencing, but still a bit taken aback at the sustained, keyed up nature of the actions. He had now watched Ennis bounce around the house in pointless agitation for the past two hours, seemingly preoccupied with nothing in particular. Inexplicably, he would open one of only three cupboard doors to survey the modest contents tucked away inside. Then, for no apparent reason, he would grab the tattered yellow sponge that had been sitting in the sink, for who knows how long, and wipe off an already spotlessly clean kitchen counter. Once that ritual had concluded, his attention turned to utensils which would be meticulously scoured with a pad before the motley assortment of forks, knives and spoons shifted from one drawer to another. When everything seemed to be in order for the moment, he would walk outside and begin to putter around the yard for no apparent purpose. During the outing, Ennis would recheck the grill to see whether the newly acquired equipment needed pointless adjustment, even though it was far too early to light a flame, which really was the only way to accurately gauge the best setting for the planned for meal. Sometimes he would use the excuse that Lupine needed to do his duty or exercise his legs a bit. While other short trips had him just walking outside and staring at the horizon for upwards to five minutes before turning right around to start tinkering inside the house again, without a word being spoken.

Jack had originally suggested the idea of Jim coming over for Sunday fixin’s as a way to show appreciation for all of the young man’s help and, frankly, was more than a little surprised that Ennis had actually followed-up with the sociable gesture that very same day. The offer spontaneously sprung on the young man during the ride up the trailhead to retrieve Ennis’ truck. From that moment on, Jack had waited for the axe to fall, even though there had been no flak until early this morning when Ennis had rolled over and said, “Maybe we should call and ask Jim to come over another time. He’d understand if sumthin’ came up.”  Hoping to stave off a possible setback, Jack had purposely kept his man preoccupied in bed until nearly 9:00. Throughout the high-spirited romp, he had used every trick to distract and deplete as much nervous energy as he could before Jim’s expected afternoon arrival. He didn’t want to admit it, but maybe his exhaustive efforts had come to naught, and a diplomatic phone call might be in order after all.

They may have known each other for nearly fifteen years, but the only meal they had ever shared with a companion of the human variety had been three nights ago over Jim’s house. On Brokeback, any kind of food intake strictly involved only them, and maybe some assorted livestock, or a distant coyote or two. Of course, there had been several near misses four years later when, after extended hours of getting “reacquainted,” in all the right ways, Jack had suggested they might get dressed and grab something to eat at a local diner he thought he had seen as he sped down the highway toward the Siesta Motel, determined to satisfy a much more compelling appetite first. Later, lying in a bed drenched in the sweet smell of lust-filled sweat and the stench of cigarettes and dried cum, Ennis had been the one to cleverly distract when Jack had indirectly floated the idea of recharging their batteries with some nourishment. Starved for attention that had absolutely nothing to do with the food pyramid, Jack had quickly put his rumbling stomach on hold yet again to pursue a different kind of metabolic stimulation. That is, until the next morning when he brought the subject up as soon as they had showered and dressed. Even though they both were excited about their pending trip up into the mountains to spend some time together for a few days, Ennis still refused to share a meal in public, too afraid to even sit at the same table with the man he had just shared every soul churning intimacy and indulgence possible.

Back then Jack was so happy to be where he knew he belonged, he barely protested when he parked the truck in the back of the diner and walked inside to buy two large cups of black coffee to go, figuring they would stop along the highway and eat something later. But, like so many things in their fucked up lives, that “sometime later” never did come. When Ennis returned to Jack’s truck, after telling Alma he was going fishing with his Texas friend and picking up some stuff for the trip, he had agreed with Jack that he was starving too. But, when Jack stopped fifteen minutes later at another restaurant on their way out of town, Ennis still refused to budge from his front bench seat. He should have seen the hard road they were headed down back then but, as usual, Jack acquiesced to Ennis’ fears and went inside to get some grub to eat along the way, never saying another word about the slight because, in those days, there was no arguing with Ennis when he had made up his mind.

“I ain’t makin’ fun of ya, cowboy. Just want ya to sit over here on the couch with me for a spell. You’ve ‘bout exhausted me with all your scurryin’ around. And, anyway, I’d like to talk to ya ‘bout sumthin’.”

“Jack, we can’t be lollygaggin’ or jabberin’ around. Jim will be here any minute.”

“It’s only a quarter past twelve. Ya told ‘im to be here at 2 p.m. Got plenty of time.” Jack patted the cushion next to him and smiled with well-meaning encouragement. “Please.”

Shuffling his feet back and forth, Ennis wasn’t sure if he should move forward and oblige, or if he should retreat and back away from the tempting offer. Deep down, of course, he knew he was just seeking a temporary reprieve, because there was really no point in fooling himself into believing he actually had a choice in the matter. From vast years of similar encounters, he knew that whenever Jack Twist looked at him in just the way he was now, any attempt to brush off or evade was pretty much a futile undertaking.

Plopping down as if the entire weight of the world rested on his shoulders, Ennis sat at the other end of the sofa, head lowered in thought and hands clasped in front of him. At that point, Jack figured the writing was on the wall, but he still was unwilling to accept the constraining separation without some kind of pushback. Understanding this was the kind of conversation that needed a physical connection to have any chance of unfolding successfully  Jack slid over, and waited.  After all, they were in this together and he was determined to communicate his unwavering support for the compact they had made before even stepping foot inside the city limits of Riverton. They were allies now and allies didn’t leave the field of battle or retreat behind self-imposed barricades without a fight.

Finally the silence was broken, “Only fair that ya should be tired out watchin’ me try to get things ready for today. Ain’t that what ya aimed to do to me this mornin’?” Ennis arched his eyebrows, letting Jack know that his secret plan had been an open book.

“You’re on to me,” Jack nudged.

“Yeah, after that second time, I figured it weren’t my good looks inspirin’ ya to take that kind of spun out interest.”

Blue eyes grew wide with puppy dog innocence, “That ain’t so.”

Staring back, Ennis waited patiently for a more credible answer.  The smirk on his face already the tipoff that he wasn’t buying what Jack was trying to sell.

The subdued chuckle that followed signaled that Jack knew his cover had been blown. “Hey, you was the one who went crazy bitin’ on my neck like ya did. Although, I might just have to concede you’re probably partly right. Besides bein’ sparked by that sweet patootie of yours, guess I was tryin’ to loosen ya up a bit too. Figured ya be about as jumpy as spit on a hot griddle with Jim comin’ over today.” A trace of a smile crossed his lips, “We both know you’ve never been too keen about havin’ other people hangin’ around us.”

“Not goin’ to argue there.” Ennis lifted his head, “It’s just that,…” a scowl appeared that captured more of a inner struggle to find the right words, than any kind of deep-seated distaste or antipathy regarding the day’s activities.

Suddenly, Jack realized he wasn’t sure why the other man had been acting so wound up. “Ennis, that is why you’ve been tearin’ around here like a madman, ain’t it?”

Ennis stood up and gradually walked toward the kitchen window as if every step was painful. His gaze focused on nothing in particular outside. “Never done sumthin’ like this before, Jack. Don’t reckon I know quite what to do. Want to….”

Jack took in an uneven breath while his heart squeezed with recognition. “Ya want Jim to enjoy himself, don’t ya?”

“Well, sure. Wouldn’t be a very good host, if I didn’t. Besides, he’s been good to us.”

“But,..?” now Jack was completely confused.

The end of a thumb worried over a set of front teeth. “Want you to have a good time too. Know you’re use to this kind of thing. You’ve told me about all them fancy Texas cookouts you’ve had over the years. Pinatas, balloons, outdoor lighting….” Ennis shrugged.

“Hold it right there, cowboy. Don’t ya dare do that.” Jack stood up and walked over, waiting for Ennis to turn back toward him. When no movement was made, he leaned over and wrapped his arms around the other man’s waist, resting his chin on a strong shoulder. “Sure Lureen has put on some expensive feeds, huge crowds, skeet shootin’ contests, even hired a Mariachi band onetime.” He turned Ennis around to face him, still holding on tight. “But that’s not what I’m lookin’ for here.”

“C’mon, Jack. We both know you’re not the same kid I met up on Brokeback. Back then, you barely could scrape together two dimes, just like me. You’re use to the high life now. Fancy clothes. Been to big cities. Done things. Brand new trucks every few years. I still remember how excited you were when ya told me about that first time ya tried artichokes. How surprised ya was that ya liked them so much. I still don’t even know what the damn things look like. Never mind how they taste.”

“Who the fuck cares, Ennis! You think I’m here because I give a shit about your knowledge of vegetables. I’m here because I wanna be. Because of you.”

“And, what’s gonna happen when ya realize that I’m borin’ as hell. Don’t have much to offer.”

Jack’s voice took on a fiercely protective timbre. “Not this again. Don’t ya get it, dumbass? I’m here because you are everythin’ I’ve ever wanted. What we got between us is no small thing. Don’t want to be anywhere else, ever again.”

Ennis softened and bent down to kiss Jack's lips while the other man met him half way. “Me too, but….”

“No “buts,” this time, Ennis. You’re right about one thing. I ain’t no kid any more. Not gonna let ya call all the shots like I did before. We got some prime grade beef in that refrigerator, a roof over our head, a king-sized bed, and a cute little furry addition to the family who’s countin’ on us to take care of ‘im. Never mind maybe a new friend that we don’t need to worry about carryin’ no tire iron. Seems to me, in just less than one week, we’ve got an awful lot to build on. Maybe we should be sendin' up a prayer of thanks for what we've been given. instead of frettin' and fussin' 'bout nuthin'. Just think what we can have after one year of pullin’ together. I'm not lettin’ anyone come between us. Not even you. This is the fourth chance that we’ve had to get this thing right. Once up on Brokeback. Again, when I came lookin’ for ya in ’67... when we finally found each other after four years, then right after your divorce. Most folks only get one shot at happiness. Think we’ve exhausted our run of good luck, if we don’t get it right this time, friend.”

“Hmm. Reckon I’m so use to not havin’ nothin’, that all them things just kind of snuck up on me. Now, that ya got me thinkin’ on it, you forgot to add sumthin’ else to that list. Looks like we might have a new friend who’s not only queer, but can even bake. Shit, when did we get so lucky?”

Jack burst out laughing, pleased that Ennis was finally seeing things with a more appreciative eye. “Sure enough, friend. Think we hit pay dirt with that one. Guess, I should be grateful that ya never noticed any signs of his real ”appetities” when he was cookin’ up all them tasty treats for ya. Might of have had to kick some serious ass by now.”

“He’s not my type. ‘Parently, I like ‘em older and bitchier.”

“Hey, now. That kind of talk don’t do much for my delicate ego, ya know.”

“Like ‘em mouthier too,” Ennis waggled his eyebrows with a wry, half smile.

“You do, huh?” Mischievous blue eyes impulsively danced with inspiration.

Although they were about as close as could be, Jack somehow figured how to sidle up even closer, fully sporting a face-cracking smile, before burrowing in for some extended “conversation.” Practiced hands provided just the right punctuating leverage as a well-timed pace began to seductively take hold, up and down the groin area of Ennis’ jeans. In no time at all, a drawn out helpless whimper became Jack’s reward. The eloquent neck nuzzle transformed into the next persuasive articulation, followed by the silver-tongued nibble of the nearest ear. The white knuckled grip, snatching hold of a fistful of dark hair, the hoped for response.

In a concentrated effort to pick up steam, Jack pulled back before smooshing down on Ennis’ cheeks with a two-handed grab, swooping in for a deep, penetrating kiss once the desired target had been anchored into place. The jaw popping, tongue-wrestling connection that quickly followed was fueled on by a mutually agreed upon greedy generosity, while a duet of groans was choked out amid breathless intakes of air. Dripping erections ground against one other in a familiar revelatory spectacle of firework proportion in no time at all. Collapsing down on both knees for the perfect point of view, Jack dove in with ten nimble fingers to skillfully unbutton and shove down dark blue 501s in one expert motion. The grand unveiling that followed, the ideal prompt for two eager lips to devour Ennis whole. In between sloppy, sucking noises, strong, graceful fingers dug into tender spots and grappled for purchase. The desired effect of complete mastery was achieved straightaway as Ennis melted into submission, brain and body reeling under Jack’s expert ministrations. Warm. Wet. No words really needed.

Ennis looked down while gasping for air, taking in the sight he never grew tired of watching.  That beautiful mouth full of his cock, cheeks sucked in with an inventive hoovering motion that always drove him crazy and lips stretched out wide, Jack’s talented tongue lapping up wayward spunk drizzling out at the corners. Calloused hands locked behind an enthusiastically bobbing head as Ennis heard Jack’s belt buckle unfasten and jeans chafe across bear skin. More thrusts and before too long he felt his straining right leg slicked with Jack’s release just above the ankle.  Although he was pounding inside Jack’s mouth even harder than before, he was still caught off guard by the force of the climax when it came.

Overwhelmed and staggered though he was, he could still faintly sense how he was being propped up as Jack swallowed every last drop of what he had to give, gulping down and moaning with concentrated satisfaction. Wean on years of gravitational pull and soft landings, Ennis was unconcerned by buckling knees, which were now plummeting him southward toward the floor. He had learned to be fully confident that he was going to tumble into sheltering arms, strong and unfailingly ready to catch him wherever he landed. Like always.

Bodies instinctively entangled into a perfect mesh of flesh and bones, while Ennis listened for those words of reassurance he once thought were nonsense mutterings, but now heard clearly with an open heart. Liberated and spent, the lure of two souls reunited meant that sleep came quickly, while something more life sustaining than mere physical need enfolded them into a protective blanket of completeness.

Jack yawned until his jaw popped, arms straightening out over his head to unravel the kinks of a satisfying slumber. “Where’s that poundin’ comin’ from?”

Both men began to stir and stretch, gradually being brought back to consciousness by the loud banging sound in the distance.

“Oh, shit! Jack get up. There’s someone at the door.”

“You guys alright in there?”

“Fuck! I’m headed for the bathroom to get respectable.”  A tongue in cheek smirk appeared when Jack pulled up his Wranglers and surveyed Ennis from head to toe. “You best cover up your danglies there, cowboy. You’ll scare Jim half to death if he sees what your packin.”

“Be right there, Jim.” Ennis clenched the words through his teeth. “Shut up, Jack. Go get yourself prettied up, and make sure not to be too long.”

“Sure thing,” leaning over he whispered provocatively before disappearing to put himself together. “You are one handsome man.”


Ennis quickly shimmied his jeans up and over his lean hips, then capably tended to the button fly. Hands, now unencumbered, he anxiously combed through his hair to try and disentangle the sweat dried curls from his scalp, unconsciously tucking in the tail of his shirt as he scurried across the floor. Standing in place, he inhaled two large breaths of air to settle his nerves, hesitated, then reached for the handle to fling the door wide open.

“Hey, Jim. Come on inside. Is it 2 already?”

The young man smiled nervously, not sure what he had interrupted, but certain that his arrival had not been opportune. Crushed that his early appearance might have started the day off on the wrong foot, he apologized profusely, trying to change the subject to something less ambiguous.

“I’m really sorry, Ennis. Was running errands and lost all sense of time. Stopped to get some ice cream for dessert and I thought about going back home first but then I already had my ingredients packed up and ready to go in the truck. Guess I could have unloaded everything again and….”

Jack appeared with a genuine smile that Ennis knew all too well, hand outstretched, obviously pleased to see Jim, early or not.

“You hush, Jimmy. Ya didn’t interrupt anythin’ except my lazy ass ways. Those pills the doctor gave me sometimes knock me out. Must have fallen asleep again.”

“Gee, I’m sorry Jack. Didn’t mean to wake you. I’m sure you need your rest. Concussions are nothing to…uhm…concussions are…,” the contrite voice suddenly faltered.

“Somethin’ wrong?” Jack glanced over at Ennis and then back to Jim, trying to size up what might be going through the young man’s head.

“No, of course not. Just lost my train of thought, I guess. I can be a bit of a scatterbrain sometimes. I’m sure Ennis probably told you about how my mind can get to wandering. That’s how I sprained by ankle when I first started up at the ranch.” Jim chuckled trying to ease the tension. “I hope you’ve been feeling better.”

“Still get dizzy spells and my energy level’s not back to speed yet, but other than that I’m feelin’ real good. Doc said there might be fits and starts.” Jack could tell that Jim really was not paying attention to the explanation he was providing so he decided to change the subject to something more concrete. “By the way, whatya got in that box you’re holding onto so tightly? Gold bullion, or somethin’?”

Jim looked down, continuing to exhibit telltale signs of being a little distracted. “Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. I thought since you guys were supplying all the main fixings for today that I’d make dessert for us. You like bananas, Jack?”

“Sure do. What ya got in mind. Banana splits.”

“Uhm, no. You guys ever hear of Bananas Foster? No? Well, it originated in New Orleans several decades ago and uses dark rum. Thought you two might like it.”

“Wooo-weee,” Jack rubbed his hands together, obviously hooked. “Dessert with booze. That’s got to be good.” He winked before adding the snappy insinuation, “Guess the new drinking law in Wyoming means you can swallow at 19 now, hey Jim. No children allowed.”

Jim wet his lips nervously, his head hanging low, unable to make eye contact. “You, uhm, think you’ll be able to enjoy the meal today, Jack?”

“Well, sure. What makes ya think I won’t?” Jack was stumped by the out of the blue concern.

Jim locked onto Jack’s eyes, the vein in his temple throbbing and nodded slowly. “Your lips look kinda swollen and red. Seem to be a little flushed around the nape of your collar too. Kind of bruised up.”  Jim took a couple steps forward and pointed his finger, hovering just short of making skin to skin contact.

Jack and Ennis looked at each other cautiously. Each one processing what appeared to be taking place at warp speed. Not surprisingly, after an extended kind of edgy quiet that lingered much too long to be innocent, only one man found the words to break the awkward impasse and address the pink elephant that had just stampeded into the room.

Meeting Jim’s gaze with fearless resolve, the implication in Jack’s words was undeniable and irreversible. “Well, friend, guess we’re about to have an adults only discussion this afternoon. Think I need me a shot of whiskey, first.”


author: forever9218, genre: canon, away from his hand, genre: au

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