chapter 1 of story FOREVER

Aug 13, 2009 15:20

Chapter 1

“December 18! 3 more days until your birthday, and 4 more days until mine!- Delia?!” “Huh? I’m sorry Vera…” “Lia? Are you okay?” “Ummm yeah, sorry… I just can’t believe it… It’s been 9 years since…. You know….” “Yeah, I know sis…” We both stared into my locker at the picture we took with our parents the day before they disappeared on Christmas Eve, that’s one event we’ll definitely never forget. I had moms hazel eyes and dads light brown hair, Vera had dads aqua blue eyes and moms dark black hair, both of us inherited mom and dad’s pale complexion, which was the only way anyone knew we were even related. “Lia! Vera!” We both looked up and saw our friends coming towards us, “Hey Lia, hey Vera, what are yall up to?” “Hey Luce, Lia and I were just talking about our birthdays…” “Oh yeah! Yall are twins… well fraternal… but different dates right? Lia the 22nd and Vera the 21st…”

“Actually it’s the other way around Alicia, Lia’s the 21st and Vera’s the 22nd.” “Oh… sorry…”

“Don’t worry about it… Vera and I still wonder about that too…” Alicia was a new friend, Vera and I met Luce, short for Lucia, our freshman year at Rocori High School, and Alicia during the last summer, when she moved from New York. “So? Are we gonna celebrate this weekend or what?!” Vera and I looked at each other unsure, we didn’t really like parties… at all, even though Vera was a bit more outgoing than me, we still didn’t really like parties. “Come on! Pleeaase! We’ll go out tomorrow, all day, rest Sunday and come back to school Monday for school on your regular birthday Lia…” “I don’t know Alicia…”- “WILL ALL JUNIORS PLEASE REPORT TO THE GYM.”

“CRAP! We’ll talk about this again after the assembly Lia…” With relief, I followed everyone towards the gym. The bleachers began filling up, everyone excited, but that was probably because everyone wanted to get out of going to first period, but I didn’t mind missing class. “LIA!” I looked up and saw Andros, another one of our friends waving at us from the bleachers, we also met him our 9th grade  year.

“Awww, he saved you a seat Lia.” Even though Alicia just met Andros this year, she seems to think he has a “thing” for me, not that there’s anything wrong with him, his brown-topaz eyes and curly black hair make him really attractive, but to see him as something more is… well awkward. I sat next to him, “Hey Andros.” “Hey Lia…”- “Hey to you too Andros!” “Oh sorry Vera… Luce, Alicia.” Vera sat down to my left and Andros was to my right, Lucia and Alicia sat next to Vera.

“So… ummm… Lia…” I turned to look at Andros and within seconds 3 pairs of eyes turned to look at us curiously, “Yeah?” “Well…ummm, I know your birthdays not until Monday, but here…” He had a small box in his hands, it was neatly wrapped in silver metallic wrapping paper designed with snowflakes and a silver bow on top. “Oh… you didn’t have to get me anything Andros…” “I know… but I wanted to…” The 3 pairs of curios eyes turned into 3 smiles, “Aren’t you going to open it?” “Oh… ummm sure…” I unwrapped it neatly, careful not to rip anything. When I opened the box there was a silver charm bracelet with a heart shaped charm. “…Andros… it’s really nice… but I can’t accept it…” I tried to give it back to him, I didn’t like receiving gifts, especially jewelry as gifts, but before I could give it to him he stretched his arm out and gently pushed it back to me. Andros gave me a sweet smile, “Hmmm, I knew you were going to do this… that’s why I had your initials imprinted on the charm. It doesn’t belong to anyone else but you.” I looked closely at the charm, inscribed were the letters “DA,” I could feel Vera’s hand on my arm, as if telling me to resign. Everyone began to quiet down, before I could say anything else to Andros, he turned with a smile and the principal began to speak.

“Good Morning students!” We all then turned to face her, “Just accept it Lia, you know Andros is as stubborn as you, he’s not going to take it back,” Vera had whispered in my ear, and she was right, he isn’t gonna take it back. I have no choice, “As you all know Winter Break begins the 24th,  next Thursday…” “YEAH!!

WHOO!!” everyone screamed with excitement, “Settle down… Now, it’s been said that a snow storm may hit us, so there’s a chance that the Junior Winter Ball may be cancelled…” “OH COME ON!! BOO!!” It amazes me to see how many people actually love these events, getting dressed up for one night when they might never use those clothes again. “QUIET DOWN!” everyone became quiet, “However… everything is paid for, the decorations are here, the DJ is paid for, and we know many of you have already bought your outfits, so the ball will be rescheduled for tomorrow at 8pm in the gym.” “OH MAN!” Everyone began to make a commotion once more. “QUIET! Or should we cancel the ball now?” Everyone became so silent, one could hear a pin drop… in the gym. “You all may go back to class.” Everyone was leaving the gym, “I can’t believe this!” “Calm down Alicia…” “Our dance… er ball is tomorrow! I have my dress but I need to schedule for a hair appointment and…”

“Are you even going with someone Leech? I mean, you need someone to go with to even consider going…” “Go to hell Larissa!” Alicia shouted out. Larissa was the girl everyone loved to hate. She started walking away with a smirk on her face. “Relax Alicia… I mean it’s not like Larissa is going with anyone either…” I said it loud enough that Larissa heard me, definitely striking a nerve. “Are you really trying to go up against me Lia? You, Vera, and Andros still have a chance to hang with me and not with these… losers…” “Back off Larissa…” Andros stood between me and Larissa, “Look Andros I appreciate it, but I can take care of myself…” I couldn’t stand it when people think of me as weak or vulnerable, “See Andros, you don’t need to step in, Lia’s a big girl… Now…. Like I was saying… you three can hang around with me, don’t make me look the other way.” “Go ahead Larissa, just make sure you look where you’re going when you walk the other way.” “You arrogant little b…” “Is everything okay here ladies? Mr. Everard?”

“Why yes! Mrs. Gavet…” “She is so fake,” Alicia whispered to Lucia. “We were just discussing how great it is that the ball wasn’t cancelled after all…” “Hmmm… Go to class… all of you…” “Yes Mrs. Gavet…” before we all left the principle stopped us, “Except for you Ms. Athill… and Ms. Athill…” Everyone else left, Andros, Lucia, and Alicia left with apologetic faces. When they left, Mrs. Gavet turned to face us, “Follow me ladies…” Vera and I began walking behind her. Mrs. Gavet led us into her office and closed the door behind us, “Sit down ladies.” We sat down, but I noticed our files were on her desk, “I went through your files ladies… and noticed you two have gone through so much… and yet you both still manage to maintain perfect 4.0 GPA’s.” Vera and I turned to each other wondering what was going on, “Thank you Mrs. Gavet… but why bring us to your office?” “Because Delia, you and Veronica make perfect candidates…”

forev3rsilenc3d story forever chapter 1

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