chapter 2 of story FOREVER

Aug 15, 2009 20:16

Chapter 2

“TOUR GUIDES?!” Both Alicia and Lucia had asked at the same time during lunch after the meeting Vera and I had with the principle, Mrs. Gavet. “Tour guides for whom exactly?” asked Andros curiously, “For two new students coming in on Monday…” Vera began to explain. “Ooo new students… guys or girls? Or both?” Alicia asked. “Well…” started Vera, “Supposedly two guys from somewhere in Europe…” “EUROPEANS?!” repeated Alicia loudly. Both Lucia and Alicia had big smiles and began to wonder how they looked, whereas Andros rolled his eyes as if in disgust. “Okay, Vera, Lia, yall are going to have to introduce us on Monday!” Vera turned to look at me with a look on her face, as if she felt sorry for them, guess I’ll have to break it to them. “We turned Mrs. Gavet’s offer down…”

Andros had a smile and a relieved look in his eyes, “Really?” “Yeah, after Mrs. Gavet told us who else was going to help out we had to say no…” They all looked confused, “Who is also gonna be a guide?” asked Lucia. Vera answered, “Larissa was also chosen to help the new guys around the school, and we didn’t wanna be around her, so we turned it down…” Lucia and Alicia looked somewhat heartbroken, but I know they wouldn’t want to be around Larissa, even if the ones we’d be guiding would be Europeans. “Do you at least know their names?” Alicia looked hopeful, “Sorry, she didn’t give us any more information…” I answered her.

“Guess we’ll have to wait until Monday to meet them… but wouldn’t it be an awesome birthday if you met two European guys Lia?” Vera gave a small laugh when Alicia had asked me that, Vera’s the only one that knows that I don’t give in to looks or even accents for that matter, it takes more than good looks for me to like anyone. Andros just looked away annoyed, from there the next two periods went by smoothly, before we knew it, it was time to go home.

“So Lia…” I knew where Vera was going with this, “NO Vera…” “But you don’t even know what I’m going to ask.” “Vera… you’re my little sister” “Ugh…” She hated when I called her my little sister, she didn’t consider herself little since we’re ‘twins.’ “You were gonna ask me to go with Andros to the ball …” “Well I wasn’t gonna ask you… I was merely going to suggest that you two go together…” “My answer is NO Vera.” “Oh come on Lia! He even bought you a gift!” “YES, he did, an expensive one at that! You know I don’t like receiving gifts!” “I know… but he treats you so nicely!” “And so do other people, but I’m not gonna go date them…” “Heh, that’s true…”

The rest of the walk home was quiet, when we got home, Janette and Aaron were sitting in the living room smiling at us, “Hey girls…” Vera and I just stared weirdly at them, Janette broke the silence, “We put both of your gifts on your beds…” Great! More gifts, Vera and I headed upstairs. Both Vera and I have our own rooms, once you reach upstairs the first room you see is Vera’s. Her door was wide open, and there on her bed was a red box and a light pink bow, I headed to my room and there on my bed was a box the same size, only this box was the opposite, a light pink box with a wine red bow. Vera walked into my room with a strapless light pink dress with embroidery adorning the front, back, and around the waist and a shawl. I turned to open my box, when I opened it there was also a strapless dress. I pulled it out, it was a red wine color with sparkling embroidery on the front, and a high-low hemline.

I turned to Vera and was unsure of what was going on, we headed downstairs with the dresses, what’s up with people wanting to give gifts all of a sudden?! This is really starting to irritate me. When Vera and I came downstairs Janette and Aaron noticed I was agitated, Vera was more calm, “What is going on?!” Vera put her hand on my arm as if trying to keep me calm. Janette and Aaron looked at each other for a quick second, then Janette stood up, “We received a phone call…” She turned to look at Aaron and with a sigh he also stood up and went beside Janette, “Your friend Alicia called…” DAMN IT ALICIA! “She told us about the Winter Ball being scheduled for tomorrow…” “So? Vera and I aren’t going? You wasted your money on us for nothing…” Vera gave me a nudge, “Well your mom and I bought these dresses a week ago for your birthdays, and we were going to surprise you with a party…” I don’t know why I never liked it when Aaron would say “your mom” or when Janette would say “your dad,” I mean I’m thankful they took us in, but they can never replace our real parents. “Yall know we don’t like parties, so why should we even go tomorrow?” “What Lia is trying to say is, we appreciate the gesture, but we don’t really like to go ‘party.’”

I wasn’t trying to sound like an ungrateful child, I don’t know why I was doing this whole scene. “Ummm, yea… I’m sorry, I, we appreciate it, but we don’t like parties, and yall know that.” “Yes we do Lia, but your dad and I…” There goes that “your dad” crap again, “felt that if you go to the ball then you wouldn’t have to deal with having a birthday party as well…” Damn it, they’re making us deal with at least one stupid occasion. “Can Lia and I talk about this real quick?” Vera pulled me into the kitchen, “Why do we need to talk about it Vera?” “Look Lia, we both don’t like it, but you know they’ll make us do one or the other, and we don’t like attention, so I doubt you’re gonna want Janette and Aaron inviting a whole bunch of people here for us…” She does have a point, neither of us like the attention, we just like to keep to ourselves most of the time. “Ugh I hate this!” I felt agitated again, “What’s wrong with you Lia? You’re never like this?” “I don’t know Vera, I’m just starting to get mad. And what about you? You seem more calmer, now you’re trying to get me to stay calm.” “You know I don’t know either, it’s like I’m care free for some reason…”

Vera and I headed back into the living room to tell them our decision, “Well Lia and I decided that, fine we’ll go to the ball…” “But the dresses are way too fancy for a high school dance.” Janette and Aaron looked at each other when I said that, “Actually Lia… Mrs. Gavet sent letters to every junior, we received one yesterday, since it’s considered a ball, the outfit choice should be a classy one…” “But you said that Alicia called…” “Well Vera, we actually found out both ways, the dresses were already bought, and we thought that you may as well use them.” Vera turned to me with a smile, but I still felt something weird, something was eating me inside, but I don’t know what it was. “Okay girls, the ball is at 8pm tomorrow, we have a lot to do…” when Janette had said that Aaron turned and headed behind the couch, he held two smaller boxes out to Vera and me, “They’re to go match with your dresses…” We took the boxes and opened them, they were heels to go with the dresses, the same color and everything. “Thank you…” I think they were expecting me to say ‘thanks mom, thanks dad,’ but I can’t bring myself to say it. Vera and I headed upstairs into our own rooms and called it a day.



forev3rsilenc3d story forever chapter 2

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