A new breed of Orwellian bumper stickers have entered our midst. It reads:
On the domestic front, they have estimated that the cost of "freedom" will be the annihilation of civil liberties, preemptive surveillance and apprehension of "enemy combatants" who pose some elusive "threat" to our national security. In terms of international policy, this will translate to the invasion and military occupation of sovereign nations who presumably harbor terrorists or "weapons of mass destruction". I eagerly await the next wave of bumper stickers which will most likely convey the following:
This is slightly more accurate when you consider the fact that
a bill has already been proposed which will not only reinstate the draft but also extend the age of required service to 26 years. Furthermore, they have decided to bestow the "privilege" of military service upon women as a gesture of their good will towards "gender equality", despite the fact that women comprise 52% of the population and only 10% of Congress. This unique opportunity to serve as cannon fodder for the imperialist ambitions of a decidedly misogynist government will no doubt compensate for their lack of representation in Congress.
Given the prospects of both parties to increase our military presence in Iraq and the fact that our reserves are nearly maxed out, this policy will probably go into effect shortly after the election.
Indeed, Freedon Is Slavery.