Well, starting January 1st, I'm saving up to move out west, and I really really really need money. So, if you have some laying around, please buy my stuff or donate to my paypal!!! If you donate, I'll write you a story or make you some handmade cds that you burn a mix on and give them to your friends or draw you a picture or make you a tie-dye shirt...anything! I'm really super desperate and I have no time to paint or anything. I really need to move buy August and right now, I have no money whatsoever, and it's killing me.
Here's a link to my ebay so you can see what I'm selling (more stuff will be up soon!):
BUY BUY BUY! and since it was a gift and I no longer have the registration crap and can't sell it on ebay:
I want nothing to do with this thing. I want to just get rid of it, and even if I didn't need the money, I'd sell it and really cheap. My grandmother got it for me for Christmas last year, and I hate it. First, it's Chanel, which I hate labels and bullshit and fashion. Second, it's leather. Third, I don't have any money, so I don't need a wallet. No, really. I'm starting it off at $15, if anyone wants it, they can. I'm waiting a week, and who ever offers to buy it at the best price, it's theirs.
or you could just donate, so I don't go insane and my heart doesn't break because I'm living a shitty life.