Sep 12, 2003 01:47
I hardly know what it is I am doing with a LiveJournal; however, Miss Schbeiker has cajoled me into favoring this method of communication, since the online journal will serve as a record of all communicae and written transactions of those who read my entries and find themselves inspired to comment.
I hardly think it decent that my personal schedule be open to all online eyes, but Miss Schbeiker is convinced that public communication of this nature is more effective than a simple phone call.
Regarding her opinions, I must wonder of her dependency upon these absurd computers and the unique communities they seem to breed- The total lack of grammar and spelling skills in people twice my age is startling and somewhat sobering.
In any case, I have five budget-management bills to review and revise.
I try and try to keep the Preventer forces well-equipped; yet I am beginning to worry about these new allotments made by Preventer Agent Maxwell. If I didn't know better, I'd say the boy was constructing new Gundams.
SHOULD he be doing so, I hope he remembers to keep news of his progress secret from Earthian politicians not so forgiving as myself. I would also like to bring to his attention that construction of any "heavy munitions in the form of a Gundam-level or superior mobile suit" is strictly prohibited by the Disarmament Act of 196 and punishable by immutable jail time.
Seeing that Preventer Agent Maxwell is a masterful escape artist and would doubtlessly remain undeterred by this friendly reminder, I would also like to add that erroneous leaked information about so-called "New Gundams" would create what most L2 natives would refer to as a "shit-storm."
As nobody enjoys fending off flying excrement, I am certain Preventer Agent Duo Maxwell will take the necessary steps to ensure the safety and security of Preventer personnel and civilians alike.
Relena Dorlian-Peacecraft