Mar 30, 2019 23:45
I miss blogging. So much of what happens in my life has been delegated to Tweets or fleeting thoughts on Facebook that I forget the value of actually writing shit down or keeping a diary. I don't often pick up my laptop, and there have been entire years of not owning a computer, as my iPhone has filled that role.
LiveJournal has become a point of reference for a time in my life where I didn't have what I do now, and I hate it a bit. It's not to say I don't occasionally punch out an essay on Facebook like the good old days, but I don't tell stories like I used to. LiveJournal has added a search function, and while creeping it just now on the shitter, I realised how much I invested in this place. I was never very good at keeping a paper journal, and while I'll occasionally get on a kick of filling one out, each entry has a purpose and isn't much of a run-down of my day. That I can open my LiveJournal and get a play-by-play of how I felt or what I did in moments of great impact says something. Many amazing things have happened in my life since I abandoned this place, and I'm lucky if I'll get to review two lines of it through TimeHop. I'm not sure if I'm ready to change my current method of recordkeeping, but I sure as shit want to.
Since 14 March I've been off work on an unwanted-but-needed sick leave, and my goal is to be back at it before May. That said, I've had free time to poke at things or find new ways of entertaining myself, so maybe I'll write up some chunks of stories and move them over here for future reference. I've done this song and dance before on LJ, and to avoid disappointment, I'm giving myself zero expectations and zero accountability. If it happens, dope. If it doesn't, better luck next time.
First things first, maybe a new userpic. Pretty confident that beauty up there has been my default since 2008, and hasn't changed due to it being recognisable in any LJ communities I pretend to still participate in. IDK maybe I'll re-take it one day.
on the subject of me,
old news