Kelly is so Innocent... *whistles*

Nov 13, 2008 23:21

Hi sweeties,
I will catch up with you tomorrowz!

Hehe, I just had the idea of creating a whole new meme for you guys.
I was bored one day and was playing over at, browsing through quotes...

Head over to IMDB and pick quote in the search machine, adding your name as the query....
Then pick the coolest quote that you come up with and share it with us!
SIMPLE as that but so FUN!

[Cheers" (1982) {Woody Interruptus (#9.11)}]
Henrí: I know, but Kelly is so innocent and naive. I love to change that.

Note: Help me you guys..... He wants to CORRRRRRRRUPT me! =P LOL


[1]My back started to hurt again... *rolls eyes*, HUG me you guys! *sobs*

[2]I finished a story! Yay for me, I thought my muse was lost for good! lol
Now I believe I have a shot at completing the challenge i signed up for over at heroes-fest lol

[3] Thank you to everyone who voted over at bathroom-girls We will implement the changes very soon!
Voting still open HERE

[4]Also movie share(Madagascar 2) and music share(Ra- Black Sun) over at bathroom-girls Make sure you check 'em! :)

[5]Did you all see the new SYLAR/ELLE pic Dee posted at her lj? OMG! o_0

[6] I sent something to a friend in Germany and I think the address is all wrong, i swear hun I couldnt make out the city in your handwriting in your card! :(
Everything else is correct though~
I am sorry Sandi tigermaus :(

Random 'cause i am evil!

Your Personality Is

Idealist (NF)

You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.
As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.
On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

The Three Question Personality Test

[7]I got your package TESSA yourstrulytessa

**Also big thanks to Theri, Amaya, Susi, Sonni, Linn, Kerry, Linds and Jo for our MSN chat tonight!
You guys are awesome and cheered me up tonight! I needed that!!


meme, thank you, spam

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