(no subject)

Jun 09, 2005 22:37

Hotaru's form pulsates with a solid aura of dark violet light. Five solid tendrils emerge from it, slowly. Those tendrils take the shape of a large, cruel hand. The hand becomes connected to an arm. The arm elongates in a dreadful arc towards the unconscious ChibiUsa, prone on the altar.

Hotaru's father, Tomoe Souichi, stands to one side of the stone altar, trembling with anticipation.

His assistant, Kaolinite, stands to the other side, lips taut.

Then, the Sailor Senshi finally burst into the chamber all at once, battered somewhat. The fight with the powerful Witch, Cyprine, they realize, has stalled them for all the time that the enemy needed. Upon their arrival, it is immediately apparent to each and every one of them that they are too late to save either of the girls.

Nonetheless, they rush, all at once, towards the altar and Hotaru.

The hand of dark violet light hovers threateningly above ChibiUsa. She lies still, passed out.

Sailor Moon has the time to scream ChibiUsa's name, once, before the dark violet hand plunges itself into ChibiUsa's chest. The smaller girl writhes and clutches at the huge wrist above her with both hands. There is no physical wound, no blood, no damage to her body - but there is still pain.

Sailor Uranus sends an amber ball of energy flashing and crackling towards Hotaru, who no longer is quite seated, but is half-standing, with her head hung over towards the floor. The attack hits a wall of light that flashes briefly upon impact harmlessly, and disappears, fizzling out.


"I'm dying...."


Sailor Moon thrusts herself forward. The wall flashes into and out of sight again upon impact, repelling her violently backwards into the other Senshi.

The dark violet aura surrounding Hotaru flares and grows steadily now; and the clenched hand half-inside of ChibiUsa is pulling and tugging upwards.

Sailor Moon is pulled up by her friends. She screams out the name of ChibiUsa again.

Inside of the light of the clenched hand, ChibiUsa's brooch snaps open. Forcibly exposed, her Silver Imperium Crystal crackles and transforms into a larger crystal, a crystalline flowerbud bursting into frenzied bloom.


"Why -- am I dying?..."


Hotaru's pale hands grip the ends of her chair's armrests, like they would break them off. ChibiUsa opens one eye as she herself writhes. She sees dark violet digging into her. It goes up - runs across the ceiling - arcs crazily - and is emerging from the light bursting from Hotaru's frail body.

"Hotaru," ChibiUsa struggles to smile. "I'm happy," the hand begins to pull the brooch off. "You're..."

The closed fist pulls the brooch and the crystal within it off completely.

"ChibiUsa!!!" Sailor Moon cries.

With a final flash of light, two lives are taken, and Mistress Nine awakens, for good.
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