Jun 04, 2009 20:29
Mother Nature and her mood swings, sheesh!
How . . . exactly HOW did it go from 13 degrees and rainy every day to 30 degrees and sunny every day? When did this happen? Overnight, that's when this happened. And even though I'm more comfortable in the 20 - 25 degree range, I'm not complaining ( . . . yet). My state is one of severe discombobulation, that's all. Going right from sweater and coat weather to tank top and shorts weather over the period of . . . a day? Two? . . . is kind of weird. You really need a t-shirt & light coat transition period in there somewhere.
Plus I bought food that I have to cook! But it's too hot to cook! I've been living on crackers, hummus and watermelon for the past three days!
Anyway . . . today was pretty much my first day off since this heat wave hit, and it became apparent that staying at home was just too hot and walking around outside was just too hot, so I ended up taking refuge at the mall, which is not my first choice for hiding from heat, but I had to pick up some things, so it was all in the name of errand running. I didn't get everything I needed, though. For some reason, there wasn't a single store that stocked flyswatters (WHERE DOES ONE GET A FLYSWATTER?! Please oh please don't make me go to Wal-Mart . . .), nor is there a single store that carries strapless 34D bras (I need one for Genny's wedding). The bra thing is far less surprising. The dearth of any bra in size 34D is something that's been frustrating me all my life.
Speaking of which . . . when oh when oh when oh when are we going to see an end to all these high-waisted shirts? Seriously, every shirt on every rack in every store has that high-waisted, fitted just-under-the-boob shape . . . and this has been going on for at least two seasons now. I do not look good in these shirts. And before the high-waisted shirt craze, it was those high-cut shirts that exposed the midriff. NO ONE looks good in those shirts! Will we ever get to see shirts that are around hip length and gathered at the waist?! One can only hope. I mean, I have to hope for shirts because I gave up on pants years ago. Low riding, large waisted hip huggers are never, ever going to go away.
Hell with it. I'm going to start wearing caftans. They worked for Bea Arthur and Mrs. Roper, didn't they?
Despite my fashion frustration, I still had a good afternoon. I picked up a cute summer pajama set, resisted the temptation to buy a LOT of stuff I didn't need (okay . . . I probably didn't need to buy season 1 of Lost on DVD . . . but it was on sale!!! Seriously, Lost DVDs NEVER come on sale!), and had a $3 margarita on the White Spot patio in the warm, late afternoon air. Yup, a full-sized margarita for $3. At White Spot! Who knew?!
Okay . . . I'm off to watch the one show I watch in the summer. It's my guilty pleasure show. Anyone else out there watch SYTYCD? Another reason why it's a guilty pleasure is because I use this hour to give myself a weekly pedicure (my pedicures = soaking my feet, scrubbing off my callouses and ripping off my cuticles . . . no nail polish because I still contend that toe polish looks slightly ridiculous). My feet get zero attention during shoe weather, so I kind of have to make up for it during sandal/bare feet weather.
Oh, and speaking of which again, here's a question: how many of the shows you watched this season ended up getting cancelled? It was particularly brutal this year . . . for me it was Life on Mars, Sit Down & Shut Up and The Unusuals. (Mind you, all three of these shows were kinda meh). Southland, which is actually pretty good (and this is coming from someone who doesn't like cop shows), teetered on the edge, but is apparently coming back in the fall. Oh, and ER (justifiably) and Flight of the Conchords (unjustifiably) just sort of ended. Anyway, I wish the networks would stop screwing around with shows and give them time to work. If they're not huge ratings juggernauts after the first two shows, it doesn't necessarily mean that they suck.