Who: Vaizey, Lucatz
What: Lucatz is summoned to Vaizey's office to discuss his stay in Nottingham.
Where: The Sheriff's chambers
When: 30th September, morning
Lucatz knocked firmly on the door to the Sheriff's chamber, then stepped back to give the Sheriff time to call him in. He idly tugged at the sleeves of his leather tunic. Lucatz was dressed for travel, ready to leave as soon as he'd attended the brunch and reassured Catherine of his innocence. He was actually eager to go; Everything would be over and done with once he was “home” in Arundel. The Sheriff had sent for him as he waited, brooding in his room. The old bastard probably wanted to gloat or give some final word for his 'master'.
Figuring a ten-count was long enough, he pushed open the door and entered the Sheriff's den. Lucatz closed the door behind him as he could safely assume that whatever must be said should be said to him alone, and not to the nosy guards standing about. At least the ones here were alert enough to be inquisitive, not hungover and slouching like ones he'd seen at the stable as he readied his horse.
“My Lord,” Lucatz said, bowing deeply to the Sheriff. He no longer needed to appear the perfect little squire and so when he stood, he did not bother to try and look pleased- attentive and polite would do. “You have need of me?”