*nods* Yep

Dec 09, 2006 12:53

My life is going pretty good. :D Of course, that's partly because today my new favorite journal started to release the content it's been stringing me along about. It's called Equilibrium and they were releasing these great trailers and pieces of fan fic, refusing to tell anyone what the big Harry Potter thing they were releasing actually was. For a piece of the action, join equil-ibrium for the NC-17 version or equilibriumpg13 for the PG-13 version.

~taken from hermyownee's journal
Answer yes or no to the following questions and then convert (if you can be bothered) the number of yesses to a percentage and that's how girly you are!

1. Do you squeal in delight when you see a friend's new hair cut? Depends. I'll go with yes, though.
2. In the pub/club, do you always go to the bathroom with a friend? I would if I were ever at a pub or club.
3. At home, do you need more shelf space in the bathroom? Actually no.
4. Do you try on friend's shoes/clothes/accessories when you visit them at their home? Sometimes.
5. Do you know who your best friend's sister is dating? I know who my best friend's brother is dating. (None of my best friends have sisters anyway)
6. Do you have a GHD? A WHAT?
7. Do you touch your make-up constantly? Nope.
8. Do you like fluffy things hanging from your rear view mirror? Ew. No.
9. Do you put on a little girl voice when talking to male workers when asking them to help you? No way.
10. Do you watch football because the players look nice? EW NO. I don't like football at all anyway. (I'm assuming it's American football because I live in America)
11. Do you think pink is a good colour for bedrooms? *shifty eyes* Why wouldn't it be?
12. Would it be nice if your boyfriend was more interested in handbags? Um. No.
13. Is your biggest monthly expense clothes, make-up and accessories? *thinks* Probably no.
14. Do you know what the "OC" in The O.C. stands for? Who doesn't?
15. Can you text and talk at the same time? No.
16. Do you know who Brad, Johnny and George refer to? :/ No.
17. Do you know what your exact hair colour is (ie. Clairol no. 52)? NO.
18. Do you have an emergency manicure set in your handbag? No.
19. Have you ever been in a circle of girls jumping and squealing in delight? *nods* Yeah-huh.
20. When a friend breaks up with her boyfriend, do you go around to her place with ice cream and a movie? Seeing as most of my friends don't date....no.
21. Do you have more handbags than necessary? No, I need more.
22. Do you hate wearing runners unless you're going to the gym? Yeah.
23. Do you have more than 3 lipglosses in your handbag? No.
24. Do you buy something because of its colour? Sometimes. Like right now I really need a green top...
25. Do you know all the characters (both male and female) in Sex and the City? I'm not sure I know any. XP
26. Do you wear your sunglasses on the top of your head so people can see your eyes? Sometimes.
27. Have you always worn make-up when going out (even in the past)? Yeah, sure.
28. Do you go to the beauticians more than twice a month? *shakes head* Nope.
29. Do you watch soap operas religiously? *makes a face* No.
30. Do you know what a pashmina is? I have a feeling I should. But no.

Yes: 11 No: 19
That makes me 36% girly, 64% not.

Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. After, post this in your journal, and give out some letters of your own. Let me know if you want a letter.

hermyownee gave me 'H'

1. Hermione Granger
2. Harry Potter
3. hott guys
5. hot dogs
6. ham
(I am now restoring to checking my own profile to see what I like LOL)
7. history
8. humans
9. Hogwarts
10. honesty

What Your Face Says

At first glance, people see you as driven and ambitious.

Overall, your true self is engaging and outgoing.

With friends, you seem logical, detached, and a bit manipulative.

In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.

In stressful situation, you seem like you're oblivious to the stress.

What Do People Think Of Your Face?

random, memes, quizzes, happy

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