No Ordinary Love, Part 3, chapter 218

May 17, 2011 22:49


One week after the trial was over, Ana and Ema left our home and Finland. Maybe for forever maybe not. Ana wanted to show Ema where she comes from so they flew to Norway. Nik joined them but he’s definitively coming back. They invited us but we politely refused. It’s family time and it should be like that. They’re off to have a good life now.

Life returned to its normal pace. Massa was back. I expected her to be jealous a little with Ema but she surprised me. I hoped she grew it out but it turned out, the real reason was a cute guy she met there. Drama in creating for sure. Especially when my little naïve son figures out Massa likes him more than just a friend. So far he’s comparing notes like ‘oh well, I have friends that I talk to a lot over phone and skype like she talks to Janne. Oh, my friends are older than me, too. I also think my friends are beautiful. I talk about them a lot, too.’ Yeah, sure kiddo, you’ll open your eyes one of these days and don’t worry daddy will be here for you. If there’s one thing I know good it’s unrequited love and heartbreak.

Anyway, it doesn’t really matter what happens between them. It’s not important if Massa and Janne turn into an item one day or the distance separates them. It doesn’t even matter if Kai never opens his eyes before he falls for another girl some day. I’ll surely be there to witness it. It’s the necessity of growing up.

The house felt empty again. Felt like home again. A happy one, where someone was practicing running away while the rest were practicing catching her. Yes, Ari was turning into sneaky little runner. She also finally learned her first words. Mommy was the winner this time and in cosmic sense I saw a balance. Kai addressed me and Ari addressed her mom first.

Sweetie was working on her new novel or novels I wasn’t quiet sure. There were things she was letting me read and ones she wasn’t so probably there were few in the making. Hell, would know. the one she was letting me read was gay story in essence. I could already see her USA agent going panic once he reads it. He’s bound to try tell her it might ruin her reputation over there but if he’s smart he’s also aware she won’t give a fuck and she’ll publish it even there, with or without him.

Me, on the other hand, was working on new songs. Actually finishing them. I was back on track with my boys, figuring things out and learned something rather nice. Guys were also working on their sideprojects. They weren’t wasting time for sure.

“You know we can get a little tour,” Linde said as we all sat in my basement chatching up. “Seems like people would like to see us.”

Sure, why not? They loved first Daniel, why wouldn’t they like the second one as well.

“That’s great,” I said delighted and truly happy for him.

“Yeah, but see there’s a catch,” he pointed out. “I mean, it wasn’t any until you called and said you have songs for new album that we should work on.”

“Come on,” I shook my head. “This can wait,” I assured him knowing what his problem was. “You go do that record of yours and go on tour. When you’re done we’ll do this HIM shit then.”

“You sure?” he asked. “I mean it’s been a while since this band did anything.”

“Then what difference does a few months or even a year make?” I chuckled. “Come on, we’re been doing this for such a long time, right? I’m sure one of the luxuries we earned is to take a break for as long as we want.”

“Yeah, and it’s not like the record company will bug us about deadlines,” Mige joked but made a good point.

“Exactly,” I agreed. Oh, how great it is when you have your own company and don’t have worry about such things as dead line. “And if you want I know a guy who can make you the same arrangement,” I winked at Linde and he grinned.

“I’m counting on it,” he returned.

“Seriouslly, the least I can I do is support you,” I pointed out. “Go and have your fun.”

“Thanks,” Linde smiled. “But I have one more favour to ask,” he paused a little as I looked at him with curious eyes. “Would you like to help with arrangements, producing and mixing?”

“Hell yeah,” I rejoiced.

“Cool then here’s the tapes,” he said quickly pulling out the demos from his pocket and tossing them to me. “Let’s get down to buiness.”

That’s how it all started for new Daniel Lioneye. Maybe I wasn’t playing in it any more, which actually was good, for I was never much of a drummer. Asking me to play the drums again was a recipe for disaster and Linde knew it. I’m actually of much better use being on the other side of the entire thing. The years of experience working with HIM and going through so much different recording processes may have distanced me from playing any instrument but acoustic guitar but have brought me closer to becoming good at producing and mixing. And my brother recognized it.

“What’s this shit?” Sweetie surprised us by her sudden visit to the basement where we were working.

“You think it’s shit?” Linde asked her right away.

“I think it heavy good shit, yeah,” she nodded and Linde’s worry eased up which made me chuckle. “I’d definitively want to hear more.”

“Get yourself a chair, sister,” Burton joked waving over at her to take a seat next to him. “Well if this lady approves then we’re not lost cause.”

“Definitively you aren’t,” she assured him then glanced at me. “Unless this idiot of mine fucks you up,” she joked and we all laughed.

“Oh, they’re counting on it,” I confirmed.

All in all working with guys in this entirely different way, where I wasn’t a leader, where it wasn’t about my vision and wishes but theirs, mostly Linde’s, was an interesting liberating and definitively benefitiary experience. For everybody. Especially since what the guys were doing differed a lot from what we usually do together. Music was much more hard metal than melodic rock pop mix. Lyrics however had that good Linde’s subtle weird humour I loved.

It was a good opportunity to test if I’m up for the task I kind of always wanted to do one day I get really old. It’s very important to work with people you have huge understanding with. It’s much easier to communicate that way. Just come and say “man, I don’t like this, it sounds shitty.” It works miracles with one’s ego. You learn to flex and test your boundaries, abilities. And for someone with the size of my ego it was great.

“You know, I’m getting to really liking this,” Linde said as he pulled over in front of my house.

“What? Driving me back and forth to the studio every day?” I joked.

“No, that’s the part I hate because you’re too lazy to get yourself a licence. I just take pity on you.”

“I can walk you know,” I pointed out patting my good old legs.

“Good, then tomorrow morning you’re on your own to get your ass to the studio,” he simply concluded.

“Ok,” I nodded as I unlocked my seat belt.

“See, this is exactly what I like, bossing you around,” he laughed. “You’re just so more obedient than I ever thought you’d be,” he was clearly amused.

“I just know my place, boss,” I joined in content to prolog his laughter. “I have good practice here,” I tilted my head towards my house.

“Yeah, right,” Linde snorted. “You’re one hell of a lucky bastard, you don’t even realize it.”

There was something odd in his tone and the way he said it that it mad me halt from leaving his Volvo.

“Is everything ok?” I asked in concerned manner.

“Yeah,” he nodded. “Nothing unusual, I guess,” he shrugged not really trying to convince me. “It’s just Manna’s acting out a bit on me lately.”

He looked me in the eyes to check if I’m willing to listen and getting his confirmation he continued. It’s the only way to talk with Linde. You don’t ask much just have a good ear and he’ll talk. If you pry questions he’ll tell you to fuck off and lose will to talk.

“She complains how she threw her career and life over me and Oli, like I made her turn into housewife.”

Now, came the pause when I’m supposed to say something and that with Linde means you never know if he’ll talk more or shut up. I knew very well that Manna is wrong. If anything, lind had spent great deal of his time before and after Oli was born trying to inspire her to do something in her life other than being mother and wife. I don’t remember Manna having much of any career whatsoever to begin with.

“Oli’s a big girl now,” I said. “Maybe before she felt like she’s expected to stay at home though no one ever told her so. Women can be that way sometimes, you know, reading into things that aren’t really there. Maybe back then she thought that it was making you happy, making you see her as a good woman for you.”

“But I’m not that kind of guy,” he didn’t doubt himself. Of all the guys in the band Linde was the most self-aware one. “It just seems like I’ve slept over a huge period of our lives. The worst is that I’m still not waking up.”

His head turned away from me and he looked straight through the wind shield for a while, thinking. It’s not that he waited for anything from me. He’s not the kind that takes advice but the one that gives them. He just needed someone to listen as little or as much thoughts he chose to share. I always felt priviledged to be chosen by him to be the one to listen. It’s not that he didn’t open to other guys. He just felt more comfortable to give me his piece of mind particulary at times when he wasn’t sure about what lays ahead of him. Unlike too caring Mige, he knew I won’t tell him it’ll all sort out. Unlike, manly Burton, I also won’t give him chance to gang up on all women. And I definitively won’t ask for clarification as our dear Gas does. No, I’d just lend him my ear and presence, let him say what he has to and find some discreet way to support him without pissing him off.

“Same place, same time tomorrow?” his eyes were back on me and his facial expression back to normal calm Linde everybody knows.

“So after all you’re still sorry for me, great,” I grinned acknowledging that the previous conversation was put in the drawer.

“You just have that fragile aura,” he grinned wider.

“If anyone can make me feel totally dickless that’s you for sure,” I said getting out of the car as he laughed.

“Don’t whine, there’s someone up there waiting to prove you you’re still the man,” he winked as I shook my head at him and closed the door, then watched him sped off like a maniac, blasting his horn as he passed by another car. Thank God, he never drives like that with me in his car, I thought to myself walking towards the house.

“Hi dad!” Kai yelled from the left side of the yard waving at me. He was alone with pile of branches in front of him.

“Tell me you’re not preparing a bonfire,” I said as I took a few steps towards him.

“I wish,” he snorted. As I was getting closer I noticed he had a little saw, knife and various cutting tools with him resting on the ground. “I have a project for Art class,” he said frustrating looking at the pile for a brief moment then looked up at me. “We have to use natural materials to make something.”

“Make like what? Anything in particular?” I asked.

“Just something,” he shrugged. “But I have no fucking idea either what to do or how to make it not crumble into pieces.”

“Hmmm,” I pursed my lips together. “How about I go get myself a cup of coffee then help you out?”

“You must be tired.”

“It’s nothing that cup of coffee can’t wipe off,” I assured him.

“Ok,” he nodded.

“Ok, want to get you something?” I asked as I stood up.

“Some of your special lemonade would be nice,” he grinned thinking about the combinationg of fruits that were anything but lemonade. “Oh, and you have guests,” he said as his eyebrows playfully rose and fall repeatedly.

“And that silly gesture means you’re not supposed to tell,” I read him through. “Ok, see you in a bit.”

I wondered who it might be waiting for me inside. Someone Kai was fond of for sure, someone I haven’t seen in a long while but still considered dear to my heart. The moment I closed the door behind me my better half jumped into the hall heartedly smiling at me as her hands wrapped around my neck.

“Someone missed me for sure,” I murmered seductively behore I pressed my lips to hers.

“You’ll wait till tonight to find out,” she returned.

“Though I didn’t understand it I bet it’s something very dirty,” a deep girly voice came from a short distance behind Sweetie.

I peaked my head around Sweetie’s frame and saw Kat casulaly leaned on the door way of my living room.

“Kat, you crazy bitch,” I grinned like a Cheshire cat as Sweetie moved so I could hug my crazy friend.

“Mmm, I’ve missed you,” she said as she squeezed me a little then as she let me go she kissed my cheek. “Still looking huh?” she teased.

“Not as good as you, girl,” I returned putting my arm over her shoulder. “What? The business in LA went busted so you came here to practice on me?” I teased.

“Actually, I’ve never been busier,” she said as we slowly strolled to the living room. “But I have my gear in case you missed some pain.”

“Look what the Kat had dragged,” Sweetie said playfully showing with her hands towards the sofa where Nikki Six was seated.

“I get that the pun was intentional,” he chuckled as he put Ari to sit on the sofa so he can stand up and shake his hands with me.

“You got that right,” I confirmed. “Good to see you here, at last,” I said glancing at him as I picked up my daughter and kissed her, then let her sit in my lap.

“Yeah, well I don’t have to tell you anything, you’re in the same shit,” he returned shrugging understanding it wasn’t much of a complaint from my side.

“No, not at the moment,” I returned. “But I still remember,” I joked and he grinned nodding.

“Well, maybe you can stop playing a family man,” Kat said. “It’s clear you’re good at it,” she smiled as she reached out her hands to take Ari from me.

“You know if you love these little ones so much I’m pretty sure you know how to get one,” I joked. “This one’s mine, you know. And she’s too cute for anyone to believe she’s yours.”

“Yeah, I know,” she said as she literally snatched my daughter from me. “But only because she’s as beautiful as your lovely wife,” Kat returned. “And you know I only love playing auntie not a mother. I don’t consider myself a mother material.”

“I know another one who thought the same,” I said glancing at Sweetie’s direction. “She’s now proud mother of two.”

“No way,” Kat shook her head in disbelief.

“Trust him,” Sweetie confirmed.

“No, fucking way, no,” Kat still refused to believe. “You’re so wonderful around them.”

“Thanks but it doesn’t mean I once didn’t want to have kids,” Sweetie pointed out.

“You bastard, you sneaked it up on her, haven’t you?” Kat giggled.

“Well, he hit a good hole for sure,” Sweetie added to the joke.

“Twice,” I added cracking up.

When we calmed down a little Kat spoke.

“Oh, this is why I love you guys so much,” Kat giggled.

“So what brings you here?” I asked glancing between her and Nikki.

“Well, I’m trying do a book,” she began and got me intrigued. “I heard and saw how good job your darling did for Novak so I thought I can get likewise treatment. By the way, he sent you a copy,’ she added.

“Oh, so you’ll stick around for a while,” I concluded and she nodded. “Well, then I can freely go help Kai out,” I said getting up. “Though I have no fucking clue how I’m going to be of any use.”

“I can help if you don’t mind,” Nikki offered. “I’m pretty good at making things of wood.”

“Please do,” I accepted and he rose. “First stop kitchen,” I said motioning my head in the direction and Nikki followed staying close. “He wants a lemonade, though it’s nothing like a lemonade. But it’s good I think,” I said as I picked out grape, lemon, orange and lime from the fruit bowl.

“Can I do something?” Nikki offered.

“Yeah, turn that thing on,” I eyed the stove as I fetched a pot and put it on the counter. “Coffee?” I asked him as he glanced at the pot.

“Sure, I already had one but man it’s so good I can have it instead of water,” he grinned.

“Mhmm, well, now’s the chance to learn how to make it,” I said significantly. “Pour some water in the pot and put it on the stove.”

“That’s for the coffee?” he asked as he turned the tap on and wated for the pot to fill in.

“Mhmm,” I nodded cutting grape in two halves. “It’s how Sweetie makes it. But that’s why it’s so much better than any shit a machine can make. Pretty rustic isn’t it?”

“I always thought only machine can do it,” Nikki said. “So what now?”

“You wait until it boils,” I said cutting the rest of the fruits in halves.

“Can I sign in for that kid’s drink, too?”

“Yeah,” I nodded not asking anything. I knew very well that he’s been clean for a long time now, avoiding everything and anything alcoholic or mind deluting. “I kind of counted on that.”

He grinned and nodded. “You too, huh?”

“Kind of,” I nodded. “I managed to get a hold of myself on time,” I moved to began squeezing the juices. “Nowadays, I drink rarely and with moderation.”

“It’s good to hear someone’s smart enough,” he commented. “I never knew what’s enough.”

“Apparently, you did, otherwise you’d be six feet under,” I pointed out. “How’s the cravings?”

“Still there but easier to handle. But I’ve come to the point of one year at a time.”

I was glad and impressed. I knew that measurement. That’s how ex addicts measure their progress. Day by day, then week by week, the year by year until you get to a life time. Nikki was obviously in the advanced stage.

“Good, dying of overdose is so cliché anyway.”

“Yeah,” he laughed. “But I don’t mind dying of old age cliché.”

“That or getting hart attack at 80 while having sex. I’d like that,” I chuckled.

“Seriouslly? Want anyone to see your sagging balls?”

“Fuck the balls when the dick is up and working at that age,” I returned and Nikki pissed in his pants. “Here,” I said noticing that the water is ready and handing him over a jar with coffee. “Put four big tea spoons, then put the pot back until the coffe start rising again.”

He nodded still giggling and did as he was told.

“Tell me when…”

“Now,” I said and he lifted the pot from the stove. “Congratulations, you’ve just made your first home-made coffee,” I flashed a silly grin.

“You know you changed yet you’re the same,” he said. “And you’re wife is wonderful in every possible way. I just don’t understand what she saw in you.”

“Join the club,” I joked pouring my finished mash of fruits in big tall glasses. “I had no idea either, but I’m glad she’s here all these years.”

Nikki poured the coffee and picked up the mugs and followed me outside. Kai was still staring at the pile of branches frustrated.

“Oh, finally,” he snorted. “I’m dying in here,” he commented as he took his glass and downed the half of it at once.

“And you made a lot of progress I see,” I teased.

“Oh, fuck off or help our. You choice,” he shrugged and I giggled.

“I said I’ll help and I brought and extra pair of hands,” I said as I sat down on the ground Indian style and put my glass next to me.

“Hopefully, Nikki you’re better than of us or I’m so fucked,” he smirked.

“First you’ll have to tell me what’s the problem so I’ll know what I have to deal with,” Nikki said sitting himself down.

“Two utter losers and pile of branches that should miraculous become something organic and natural but presentable for Art class,” Kai quickly said and Nikki squinted his eyes.

“How old are you?” Nikki asked.

“Six but I’m a genious like mom,” Kai returned. “Not like this jerk here,” he grinned punching me on my shoulder.

“This jerk is the reason you exist you little fucker,” I chuckled.

“Interesting family dynamic,”Nikki said more to himself. “So that Art thing can be anything?”

“Yeah as long as it made of natural materials,” Kai returned.

“And you need it for… when?”

“Tomorrow morning,” he replied then flung his head at me. “And before you start lecturing me, just so you know I wasn’t lazy but waiting for an inspiration. That obviously didn’t come and still isn’t coming.”

“I wasn’t going to lecture you,” I assured him. “You’re old enough to think for yourself, right?”

“Right,” he nodded the grinned.

“Ok, well, how about we make replica of the house?” Nikki suggested.

“Let me think,” Kai playfully said and pretended to be deep in his thought but I knew him well enough to know he’s just fooling around so I giggled. “Yeah, let’s do it,” he finally said and Nikki grinned.

“Ok, Your daddy and I will clean the branches for you…”

“No way, I want to do that,” Kai shook his head as he grabbed a knife.

“Don’t you think you’re a bit too young for that?” Nikki seriously asked and Kai’s eyebrows furrowed.

“It’s ok, he’s good with knives,” I assured Nikki who didn’t seem very convinced but when Kai took one of the smaller branches and cut off few that were sprouting out of it, holding the blade away from him and from nikki as well Nikki eased up. “See, I told you,” I said to Nikki.

Nikki was instructing Kai how to connect the branches, how to twist them and make the basic structure, how to make the roof and such tips while Kai was doing all the manual and actual work like he insisted on. Meanwhile, Nikki used the opportunity to chat with him about the school and Kai’s interests. I wasn’t so useful as it might seem. I figured that instead of painting the structure in ashen colour Kai can achieve that by lightly burning the naked branches. As an owner of the fire I was handed the burning duty. As the work progressed and Kai’s project was more and more becoming to look like our tower I figured I really enjoyed burning stuff.

“You know, I bet this will be the coolest work,” I commented moving my lighter under one small branch that’s going to be part of the window. That one needed to be more heavily burned, coal coloured.

“All I care is get a good grade so I won’t have to worry about the final exam,” Kai said.

“What you’re not enjoying this?” Nikki asked doubting Kai’s indifference.

“I didn’t say that,” Kai shook his head carefully knitting the wall for the back of the tower, intertwining the burnt branches. “I like this but I’d like it even more if I had come up with this on my own and if I’d been doing this without any pressure.”

“Well, if you’re serious about being musician that’s one thing you’ll have to get used to,” Nikki said.

“Maybe,” Kai shrugged. “Maybe not.”

“There’s no maybe, kiddo, trust me,” Nikki assured him.

“I know all about it from the horse’s mouth you know,” Kai pointed out glancing at me. “And that horse is what I’m counting on to save me from some of the pressure at least.”

“It’s horse’s piss you’re counting on,” I joked and Kai laughed his arse off and so did I too. Nikki however didn’t get it. “He thinks he’ll use my own experience to his own advantage.”

“Oh, ok,” Nikki nodded. “Well, I know few people who had quite trouble breaking away from the burden of following their parent’s path. It’s tough.”

“Depends on how you look at it yourself,” Kai said. “First of all, I have no intention to outshine either dad or mom. That would make me a bad son, you know and that’s one thing I’m not, right daddy?”

“Yeah,” I agreed.

“Second,” he continued, attaching the back wall to the rest of the construction. Now all it needed is roof. “I know I’m good so anybody who says otherwise can eat my shorts. And third, I won’t be following anyone’s path but finding my own.”

Nikki stared at him amazed and Kai noticed he had impressed the guy.

“I warned you I’m a genious, didn’t I?” Kai winked at him.

“Next time I’ll trust you,” Nikki significantly said.

“Well, is this shit done or what?” Kai asked sighing and examining his reproduction of the tower.

“Well, fuck it if it isn’t,” I said glancing at the little then at the real tower. Kai’s looked pretty authentic. “Actually, doing this was very good idea. This tower has its history so…”

“Yeah, dad I know all about it,” Kai nodded. ‘That’s why I liked the idea in the first place,” he quickly said as he jumped to his feet and picked up his work. “Thanks for the help guys,” he grinned. “And dad thanks for cleaning up,” he added then grinned devilishly.

“You owe me!” I yelled at him.

“Sure I do!” he shouted but his tone was giggling.

“Fucking little tease,” I commented more to myself.

“Can I just say something?” Nikki said. “This was the strangest interaction that I ever had with any kid.”

“Yeah, he has that effect on people.”

“Also the coolest father-son communication I ever witnessed.”

“Thanks,” I grinned though I wasn’t quite sure if that was meant to be a compliment or not.

“I can’t believe he’s just six,” he went on as he helped m egather the leftovers and put them in garbage bin.

“Leave the big ones we can have a camp fire tonight,” I said as I saw Nikki gathering the big unused branches. He nodded and put them back on the ground. “I can’t believe he’s six either sometimes, but after all these years I accepted that apart from being small in size he’s actually very close to me on mental level. It’s great to be nearly fourty and having brain of six year old kid isn’t it? Fantastic,” I joked and Nikki laughed.

“He’s not an ordinary six year old kid, for sure,” Nikki commented as he emptied his hands and I closed the bin then we headed back to the house. “How is the little one? Is she like a month old?” he joked.

“No,” I shook my head. “She’s nine months.”

“Great so another advanced child,” Nikki commented. “You have some secret recipe or something?”

“Yeah, find yourself a girl with very high IQ and pump her,” I smirked. “I’m sure you know the technique.”

“Have you always been this fun or I was just too stoned to notice?” he laughed.

“I’m actually a boring twat full of dirty jokes,” I replied. “And yes, you were too stoned and I was too drunk so I don’t think we really have a proper talk.”

“Ok, then, hi I’m Nikki nice to finally meet you,” he playfully offered me his hand.

“You’re going to die of this company, boy,” I played it serious but Nikki got the joke.

We got back inside and Kat was drawing Ari’s portrait on the pad. Actually she was finishing it. I watched my little girl holding still, very patiently posing for the master.

“Look at you, a true little model,” I spoke to Ari in Finnish. She was slowly learning how to speak so that was the drill, first she learns Finnish then if interested she’ll learn English. Well, anyway she’ll have to learn it if she wants to keep up with this versatile family of ours.

“Go daddy,” she frowned at me as I came very close to her. “Me posing.”

“Ok, ok, don’t bite me,” I said raising my hands defensively. “Me posing,” I imitated her and she stuck her tongue at me frowning some more. “Auntie Kat will draw that tongue,” I teased and she instantly retreated to her smiling face.

“Jesus Christ another monster, yay,” I commented to myself as I lit myself a cigarette.

Kat and Nikki figured what happened and laughed a little.

“You know, you’re really cool daddy,” Kat said. “And you’re kids are amazing, dude. I love them,” she honestly said.

“Then take them home with you.”

“Oh, shut up, like you would let me,” she brushed me off.

“You know I can always make myself another pair but I’m afraid what that might come up as,” I kept my serious tone and Kat gave me a stare. “I’m just bullshitting, lighten up.”

“Dude, seriously, I’d so take them, they’re perfect,” she said. “They have such beautiful features. They’re like perfect little statatuettes. Look,” she said showing me her drawing. “Everything is in perfect proportion and she’s still very unusually beautiful.”

“Kat I’m keeping this one,” it was a statement. The drawing was so perfect and looked so alive and the way that only Kat can do it it perfectly captured Ari’s personality.

“No, you can’t, I need that to do a proper portrait and that one you will get,” she said trying to take the pad from me.

“No, no, no,” I said quickly pulling my arm away from Kat and raising it high above my head. It’s so fucking good to be tall. “You get yourself another one, I want this.”

“No, I said it’s not finished,” Kat insisted as she tried to climb up me and get the pad. “give it back, dude,” she chuckled.

“Dude,” I mocked at her, she knew perfectly well how I hated that word. “You know you’ll lose. Just give up.”

“No, way, dude,” she stressed the last word laughing harder as I managed to maneuver myself away from her just enough so I can get on my feet and stand straight. Now all she could do is try jumping in that platforms and still be few inches short from reaching the pad. “I’m not giving up.”

“For fuck’s sake it’s my kid, you crazy bitch,” I giggled watching her jumping around me.

She stopped and put her hands on her hips and I knew she’s up to something, still I let my right hand down. She tried to hard not to look at it, then as she launched herself at me the hand was above my head again.

“I fucking hate you, man,” she said as she began to try tickle me. Her persistence just amuzed me.

“Come on darling, you know I’m not falling for that,” I said looking Kat trying her best to make my hand slip then she stopped and took one step back. She looked somewhere behind me and her lips twisted. “I’m not falling for that either,” I said reading her face as another trick. I’m so not going to turn around and look at nothing and give her the chance to take the pad. Then I felt a rush of warm breath on the back of my neck and light bite of teeth scratching sensually over my skin. “Fuck,”my eyes closed as I felt familiar touch of the tongue playing on that one part of my body that would get me blind with lust and desire. My mind went blank, shivers rushed with the speed of the light up and down my spine and I gasped knowing I’ve lost all the control. Swiftly I turned around opening my eyes blazoned with sheer immediate desire and met Sweetie’s seductive smile and open lips. I took her for her neck and pressed my lips on her, kissing her. God, she always tastes so good. Always willing and always such a tease, that would only make me more hungry. I was kissing her like mad, deepening the kiss when she abruptly pulled herself away from leaving me standing there confused, lips parted, like a kid that had just lost his favourite toy.

Then her lips pulled into a huge mischievous grin. She took one step closer and with her index finger gently pushed my chin up so to close my mouth. “Easy stallion,” she murmured as she brushed past me and walked over to Kat and handed her over the pad.

“Wow, that was like the hottest thing ever, dude,” Kat was astonished. “Dude, I swear that’s just… wow, huh.”

“You’re welcomed, dear,” Sweetie calmly said as she let the pad into Kat’s hands and sat down on the sofa.

“Bad, so fucking bad,” I slowly said in Finnish looking Sweetie straight in the eyes and she smiled. “That was so like the worst thing you ever did to me,” I said keeping my straight face as I walked over to her. “I can’t believe you just did this to me,” I protested only feeding her pride and content and a grin cracked my lips. “What should I do with you now? Fuck you right here, huh?” I said nuzzling on her neck.

“Ari’s here you know,” she giggled in English as I was making her a little hickie. Just a little souvenier.

“It didn’t stop you a second ago,” I returned kissing her neck. Fuck the guests, I thought to myself, I’m not stopping till I make her taste her own medicine.

“If you don’t stop now Ari will watch her first porn live,” her voice trembled and I knew she’s so wet. I pulled myself away and waited for her to look me in the eyes. “What’s up, love?” I grinned like a real self-content tease.

“Guys, we can give you some room if you want,” Kat said.

“No, we’re fine,” I assured her. “Just settling the score,” I glanced back at Sweetie. “We’re even now, I’m sure, right love?”

“Definitively,” she nodded then leaned on my shoulder and I drapped my arm over her back and kissed her hair.

“I love you,” I said to her and she said it back.

“Dude,” Kat shook her head. “That was the hottest thing I ever seen. You totally turned me on.”

“I’m so not going to thank you,” I seriously said to her.

“What? It’s not my fault Sweetie’s so good at distracting you. Don’t be mad at me,” she laughed.

“Well, I have this problem of being mad at this little vixen, so I have to be mad at you,” I shrugged. “If you’d just give me what I want.”

“I’m not giving it,” she shook her head pursing her lips together.

“Kat, darling,” Sweetie spoke to her. “Would you be so kind as you are and give it to me?”

“Sure,” Kat nodded and handed the pad to Sweetie. “It’s yours you deserved it.”

“You sure, love?” Sweetie asked her and Kat nodded flashing me a little victorious glare. “would you sign it please?”

“With pleasure,” Kat nodded and put her signature on the front in the lower right corner, then she flipped it and began writing on the back of it. “To the hottest, sexiest momma in the world,” she spoke as she wrote, then flipped the portrait and gave it to Sweetheart. “Now, that’ll make an interesting story you can tell Ari. How her mom fought for this,” Kat giggled.

Sweetie examined the portrait and complimented Kat’s work. “Kat, how do you feel about doing a tattoo?” she asked then removed the clothes to reveal the her first and only tattoo. “It’s only fair to add something for this little princess, isn’t it?”

“Of course,” Kat nodded excited. “Wanna do it now?” Kat was all worked up. If you want to turn on Kat just ask her to give you a tattoo.

“Please,” Sweetie nodded.

“What do you want?” Kat asked taking a pad to do some sketching first.

“What fits here?” she asked looking at me. I felt honoured again and I knew she was less expecting than the first time but still I felt the same honor as when she agreed to have her first tattoo of what I drew for her.

I didn’t have to look for too long. I knew that tattoo by every drop of ink it contained and since Ari was born I had thought about improving it, or better to say of completing it. I reached out for kat to give me the pad and pencil and she didn’t protest. She knew the story about the first one very well that she understood why it has to be me to do the original sketch. Pretty quickly I drew another eyes, clearly more feminine one, with a heartagram in the iris, same one as the tattooed eyed had and encircled, the eye with vines. When I was done I glanced at Sweetie with eyes full of love and instead of saying anything she kissed me and smiled in loving manner then let me give the pad back to Kat.

“Oh, I love this,” she smiled then looked at Ari who was carefully walking over the sofa to get to Kat and see what’s going on. Kat felt her little hands connecting with her shoulder and she tilted her head so Ari could see. “See that darling? That’s you.”

“Pwetty,” Ari said then bounced her little butt. “Me pee, me pee.”

“Oh, shit,” I jumped up knowing the emergency and rushed over to take her and get her to the bathroom. “Hold on love,” I beg to her as I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. She giggled all the way. As I pushed the door, I put her down on her feet. Using my right foot I pulled her little chamber pot to where we were, and helped her but get naked before I put her to sit on it. I heard her doing her business. “That was close, huh?” I joked, still trying to catch my breath. She just giggled.

“Me pee, me pee,” she repeated clapping her hand.

“Yeah, you pee,” I confirmed. “You’re daddy’s good girl, aren’t you?”

“Me pee, me pee.”

Ari woke up one day recently and decided she hates diapers. We spent hours trying to put one on her but ended up with dozen of torn up diapers. It’s not that we didn’t manage to put them on her, we did but little brat used all her force to peel them off of her then made sure we can’t put it back on. She literally tore them up. Don’t ask me how. Finally, we gave up.

Earlier than that diaper rage, she began announcing whenever she’d empty her bladder by constantly repeating “me pee, me pee.” Same line she used for taking shit. But we were glad she at least would let us now when the emergency hits. It meant you have five seconds or ten if you’re lucky enough to prevent her from peeing into her pants. That was another thing she hated. Whoever fails to get her to her pot on time was destined to experience cold shoulder from her for hours.

“Me go go,” she said when the rippling of water stopped. She reached out her little hands, a sign for me to let her grab me for my hands so she can get up. That requested only one of my hands, the other grabbed the baby tissues I needed to wipe her. She leaned over my arm and laughed as I cleaned her up. “Smelly, smelly”

“Damn sure it’s smelly,” I chuckled as I put her clothes back on. “Want to wait for daddy or you’ll go to mommy?” I asked her picking up the her doodle.

“Me go, me go,” she said and I opened the door for her.

“Yeah, go leave me all alone to clean up you mess, you smelly ass,” I giggled as I watched her walk through the door.

“Smelly ass, smelly ass,” she repeated wobbling down the hall.

“Why I’m not surprised you perfectly picked that phrase so quickly,” I said to myself as I flushed the toilet and moved over to wash my hands. “Seriouslly, Ville, you have the weirdest family,” I said to my own reflexion in the mirror. “You fucking lucky bastard,” I winked at myself as I dried out my hands and closed the door behind me.

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