Ino shot Shikamaru a look. "So nothing," she snarled, clutching her jaw. "It was only a trip to the dentist."
Chouji sneezed and stuffed more chips in his mouth. "He means, 'how many?'" he translated for Shikamaru.
"How many what?" she said unpleasantly.
"...how many do you have?" she countered.
"None," Chouji proclaimed proudly. "I take care of my teeth."
Ino scowled and mumbled something under her breath.
"SEVEN?" Chouji almost dropped his chips. "I eat so much junk food and you eat NOTHING and you have seven cavities?"
"SHUT UP," she growled. "I need a root canal."
"A ROOT CANAL?" Chouji was aghast. "Those HURT."
"Yeah I know," she whimpered, rubbing her jaw soothingly. "I'm scared."
Shikamaru sighed. "If you hadn't eaten all that candy..."
"What candy?" they both asked, Ino, testily, and Chouji, curiously.
"The candy," Shikamaru waved impatiently.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Ino scowled.
Shikamaru just shrugged, irritated. Chouji suddenly remembered. "Ino! You're the one who ate my candy?!"
"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" she flailed wildly, to no avail.
"Yeah," Shikamaru said to Chouji. "I caught her sneaking the candy into her pockets. Then into her mouth."
"That little sneak!" Chouji was outraged. "That was my favorite candy!"
"You guys," Ino said desperately.
"I know," Shikamaru said soothingly. "Don’t worry, Ino will compensate you."
Chouji wailed. "No she won't! She's a cold-hearted, mean..."
"I'm right here," Ino said, annoyed.
"MY CANDY!" he fell to the ground, but suddenly looked up and sneered. "At least I don't need a root canal."
Notes: I haven't written in a while, so this is a...I don't want to say practice, because everything I write I consider practice, but rather a...warm up? I guess. o______o Anyhow, written for
20themes; theme 19: Cavities.