Apr 26, 2007 13:00
As in "not so bad". Quite good, in fact. I am about to type up the scribbles I did last night.
It's odd. I write much faster on screen than with a pen, in theory, as I can type faster than I can scrawl. Or at least more legibly. Usually.
The problem is, I look at the screen as I'm typing/writing/creating but once it's up there it stops being something I'm coming up with, it becomes something I'm working on (sounds even odder, but I know what I mean). Which means I can hardly ever get to the end of a sentence never mind a paragraph/chapter/story without starting to fiddle.
I can get a dozen words done and then spend the next 10 or 20 minutes swapping them around. And usually cutting them out again.
It's discouraging.
So I have gone back to my old and (relatively) trusted method of scrawling in a book and then typing it up the next day. It's cumbersome but it doesn't actually take any more time, in the long run. It does get a bit cliche-ridden, but that's what type up/hack to bits afternoons are for, after all.
It's taken me a lifetime, quite literally, to blunder my way into this method of working. As a lifeplan, I can't recommend it but as a pastime it's quite absorbing.
I've also finally accepted (at the horrendous age of fumftysomething and with a Xerox box full of discarded drafts) something that I always knew but somehow would never bow down to. Namely: I ought to have learned long, long ago not to write anything without detailed plot notes.
This is because I'm really only interested in beginning stories, never finishing them. If I'd worked consistently and made proper notes, I'd probably have half a dozen novels and umpteen short stories done by now. I might even have done something with them. *Grin*
But there you are. Or there I am - impatient and indolent in equal proportions, as usual.
writing stuff