Title: Now; Team of Choice: OGN Nice
Title: Blink
great_whatsit Team of choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: [thirty-three]
Pairing: Philippe Mexes/Matteo Sereni/Sebastien Frey
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Lies.
Note: Entirely the fault of
He saw Matteo and Philippe on the couch -- heard the noises Philippe was making -- but still struggled to register what he was seeing. Because Philippe Mexes, mewling and clawing at Matteo Sereni's clothing (Matteo? When had he arrived?) with something very like desperation was a sight for which he just wasn't prepared.
(Because he couldn't think of anything else to do, Sebastien cleared his throat.)
Then Matteo's eyes were on his (Matteo's hands were still busy with Philippe, who was well beyond noticing anyone else), blazing with desire and a very clear challenge.
(Sebastien suspected that pathetic sound came from him.)