title: time (in two and six); team: manchester united

Sep 09, 2007 09:48

Title: 01
Author: clippage
Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Time
Character: John Terry
Rating: G

No matter how many times his mother called him to come in the house, he never could manage to hear her. He was too busy trying to make it past the older boys to score another goal (three this week) in the street. His shoes were worn through, and he desperately wanted a proper pair of boots, but he didn’t ask. His father took him out sometimes, and they would look at the boots in the windows of the big sports shops.

He swore one day he would take care of his parents, and have a hundred pairs of boots.

Title: 02
Author: clippage
Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Time
Character: John Terry
Rating: G

He was late for a youth-squad game once, and the coach wouldn’t even put him on the bench. He made it to every training session the following week, and, come Saturday, he still wasn’t allowed on the bench.

He complained to his mother about it, but he didn’t get the sympathy he expected. Instead, she looked at him and said, “If you don’t make the time to be there for others, why should they make time for you? No one’s going to look out for you there, John. You’ve got to look out for yourself if you really want this.”

Title: One
Author: clippage
Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Time
Pairing: John Terry/Toni Poole
Rating: G

It wasn’t love at first sight for Toni. It was more of, “Who is this gangly creature that just tripped over my foot again, can he not see that I’m standing here, and no, I didn’t need another drink spilled on me, thank you very much.”

Unfortunately, John was a persistent man, and so when he tripped over her a third and fourth time, he felt the need to go back and apologize. And then talk a bit more. And apologize again. And ask to buy her a drink to replace the one he’d sloshed everywhere. And maybe dinner, later?

Title: Two
Author: clippage
Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Time
Pairing: John Terry/Toni Poole
Rating: G

The occasion of meeting Toni’s parents is one John would like to forget for a very, very long time. Her mother was nice, pleasant, looking so much like Toni that John felt like he was staring into the face of his girlfriend in forty-some odd years instead of Mrs. Poole herself.

Toni’s father was a different story. He didn’t say much, but he didn’t need to. He was taller than John himself, so much taller than John had to actually look up a bit at him. He didn’t ask John what time he would have Toni home; He told him.

Title: Three
Author: clippage
Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Time
Pairing: John Terry/Toni Poole
Rating: G

John felt the sweat pouring off of him, and it wasn’t because of the heat lying here by the pool. He looked over at Toni, who was stretched out on top of a towel, working on her tan.

He sat up and coughed, “Babes, I’m going to go for a run. Shouldn’t be too long, okay?”

She shrugged enough to let him know that she heard him, and rolled over to tan her back. He allowed himself a lingering glance, then hurried off, hoping he could get back from the jewelry store (with the right ring) before she got suspicious.

Title: Four
Author: clippage
Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Time
Pairing: John Terry/Toni Poole
Rating: G

The sand was sticking to their feet, and (due to a rather unfair advantage of a being a woman in a sand-kicking fight) John’s calves and thighs. John slipped an arm around her waist and nuzzled into her hair, smelling her shampoo, and the distinct smell of suntan lotion.

He took a deep breath, and then:

Turning, pressing a kiss to her forehead, and, “I want to be with you forever. I want to wake up with you every morning, be with you every day. Will you promise me that?”

He’s still amazed to this day that she said yes.

Title: Five
Author: clippage
Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Time
Pairing: John Terry/Toni Poole
Rating: G

She stood by him through the court case, through the injuries, through the times he came home in such a horrible mood that he felt like shouting (and did, often enough). She would sit and let him shout, let him break something if he needed to, and wait until he'd bury his face in her hair before she said anything.

When the stories came out about John sneaking off with other girls, Toni stood by him. He’d try to apologize, swear nothing happened, but she’d shake her head. He’d try to follow her upstairs, but it was, “Don’t, John. Don’t.”

Title: Six
Author: clippage
Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Time
Pairing: John Terry/Toni Poole
Rating: G

He’d never been so excited about anything as he was about becoming a father. He’d dreamt about it for nine months, watched Toni’s stomach get bigger, watched her step become more like a waddle (though he’d deny it, if asked). He would lay his head on her stomach and talk to the babies, come home from training and drop to his knees just to nuzzle against them. He would press against her stomach just to feel the babies kick back against his hand.

He came skidding down the hall of the hospital, but he was too late. He’d missed it.

author: clippage, prompt: time, character: john terry, team of choice: manchester united

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