Prompt Post 2
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"He didn't mean anything by it, Cesc. He doesn't know, he was just fucking around."
"Whatever." Cesc gets up and starts stuffing his things into his bag.
It's a particularly sensitive subject for Cesc. His parents had managed to keep any of his doctors, including team doctors, from telling him about it, until he was 18 and they couldn't legally keep his medical records from him anymore.
Geri's the only one he told and he had assured him that it was no big deal, because it wasn't. Cesc was all man, as far as Geri was concerned, the fact that he had a few extra bits inside, not visible to either of them and no more useful than an extra appendix didn't make a bit of difference.
Geri goes to kiss him but Cesc turns his head. "Puke breath."
"Oh, right." Geri hugs him instead. "You should go see the doctor."
"It's just food poisoning, there's nothing they can do about it."
"You were fine last night, though! You ate all that takeout."
"That's probably why I puked. I was still sick and ate all that-"
Geri frowns. "If you're still sick tomorrow, you're going-"
"He's going now," Pep says. Geri looks over and sees him holding the door open. "Pique, back to work."
"Gerard. There are limits to how much I can allow, here."
Gerard shuffles back out to the field. He's pissed off and he barely puts in any effort at all until Carles starts screaming at him. Cesc is in his car when he comes out.
"Well? What did he say?"
Cesc sighs. "I have to go have some more tests done."
"Tests?" Gerard tries to hide the worry from his voice. "For what?"
Cesc shrugs. "He said it might be related to my...problem. You know?"
"Oh," Geri reaches over and takes his hand as they drive home. "Nothing serious, though?"
"I don't know," Cesc is trying to sound fine for his benefit and Geri knows it. He can hear the quaver in his voice. "Maybe I'll need surgery."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay? I'm sure it'll be fine."
"Well, I have to go over to the hospital first thing in the morning."
It's their day off, thankfully. They take Cesc's car to his mom's and then take her car to the hospital to try to avoid the press but a few people recognize them in the parking lot and Gerard knows they're going to have to come up with a good story for why they were here. He texts his agent while they're in the waiting room.
Geri's grateful at least that it's a doctor they've both known for years, though neither of them have seen him in a long time. He knows about their relationship so it's no problem for Geri to stay with Cesc the whole time and they don't have to worry about how it looks.
The doctor pokes at Cesc's stomach for a while and says 'huh' several times. Cesc looks more and more uncomfortable.
"Well," he says after a while. "There's something going on. It's possible you have a cyst or a fibroid..."
Cesc covers his face. "So I need surgery."
"I need to take a closer look at everything. Don't start worrying yet."
The doctor leaves the room and Geri goes to hold Cesc's hand, he can't think of anything else to do.
"Why the fuck is this happening to me?" Cesc says. "One in a million. A guy with fucking ovaries. Great."
"Maybe they can just take everything out now, though. Maybe it's just better this way."
Cesc sighs. "What if it's something worse than-"
"Shh. Don't say things like that."
The doctor comes back in and Geri moves away from the table and watches him squirt the gel onto Cesc's abdomen. He scoots close on his stool and moves the wand around and Cesc winces when he presses down. Geri stares at the screen, even though he has no idea what he's looking at.
The doctor pushes a few buttons and moves the wand again, and then his face goes completely white and Geri knows something must be terribly, terribly wrong.
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