The little things that can make all the difference in the world. :D

Oct 09, 2007 16:29

Thanksgiving come and gone. I'm thankful for everything blah-blah. Don't want to talk about it - it was a lonely one this year. :(

POMEGRANADES!!!! I found them!!! I've been craving them forever, but their season is mid-Autumn, it's very short, and they're very scarce. When I was a kid, I used to eat them all the time, but the last time I had one I must have been around 8 or so. And there is nothing in this world - nothing - that I love more than pomegranades.

So now I am in bliss. Apparently, or so I was told, they're too expensive at $2 each, but I don't find them so. There is no sum large enough that I wouldn't pay for pomegranades!!!
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