(no subject)

Oct 09, 2007 09:50

Gemini: Someone you know likes you "in that way" and wants to take things to the next level. If you do, too, go for it, but don't go out with them out of pity.

Really? Where is this mystery person? ;) My horoscope amused me today. I don't get how anybody can go out with anybody "out of pity". Ever happened to you guys? :S I mean, I understand that might actually apply when the other person is on their death-bed, but otherwise... I suppose going out with somebody out of pity could be considered noble in a twisted way, but in the end, it's pretty disrespectful for both parties.

What I realized, actually, is that right now, what I really need is just to date. Have fun, experience new things and new people, boost my self-confidence and just do it. I've never actually "played the field" very much. I've been dating Pat for two years, and before that was highschool. And in high school a lot of guys liked me, but none of them would actually date me, because for the majority of them, I was "one of them" (see: football team).

Now? I'm single and I feel fairly good about myself. I've been asked out a couple of times, and all I just feel like is dating and having fun. Nothing wrong with that, right? It's something I want to experience. :)
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