(no subject)

Sep 21, 2007 09:30

So first time university and all that is amazing. My res is amazing, food is not bad, and people here are awesome. I will not get into detail about that because, having very limited Internet time, I have to space myself and tell it in  chunks. Today, let me tell you about my courses.

(The courses with * are the ones I will have all year, and the rest are just semestered.) Also, for those who didn't know, I'm doing a double major in English and Classics. To top it off, for those who don't know (and it turns out the number is surprisingly high),  Classics as in ancient mythology, Greece, Rome, antiquity and Greek and Latin languages. A lot of people think I'm talking about classics in literature. :/

Introduction to Classical Studies: Well, it's pretty much mandatory for a Classics major to take this course. First year course, and it's pretty fun. We're studying ancient Greece and Rome in general, and it's quite fascinating. Professor Mason is quite funny - old British guy who is very quite geeky and dances a lot when he gets excited. I have this course three times a week an hour each time. I'm one of the very very few in the class who is there because I'm actually doing a major in it. :P

Sun and Its Neighbors: This is a first year Astronomy course. I find it absolutely fascinating. A lot of people take it because it's not only a "bird (easy) course", but it also fulfills the Science prerequisite (which you have to have to graduate) for us people who have nothing to do with Maths and Sciences. To take this course, you pretty much need absolutely no Math and Science background, which is what I was looking for. Seeing as how I am fascinated with Astronomy and all things related to it, I absolutely love the course. Even if we do have over 500 people attending it and it has to be held in Convocation Hall. I have this course twice a week an hour each time.

Ancient Astronomy: Though it says Astronomy, this is actually a Classics course. It's absolutely fascinating. I adore it. Being a second year course, it's a little more complicated than the rest for me, and I definitely have to take noted at 1000 words a second to keep up, but it's worth it. We learn a lot about things like stone circles, astronomical alignments of Stone Henge, pyramids, ancient astronomers and lots of other cool stuff. Except I already have an assignment that requires me to do some stargazing, and then building of a water clock. :S I have this class once a week for 3 hours.

*Literature for Our Time: First year English course, obviously. I really went out on a loop here. As many of you may have noticed if you ever discussed books with me, I do not like modernism. I despise it, actually. But English, like Classics, did not offer many first year courses, and I did try to choose courses that wouldn't overwhelm me (so on my general level). The course so far doesn't look that bad. We'll be studying great things like Waiting for Godot, Kafka's Metamorphosis and The Heart of Darkness along many other things. The prof seems ok (funny, at least), and I think I'm going to enjoy it. I have this class once a week for three hours and it is a full year course.

*Western Tradition: First year English course that I am going to adore. In fact, I adore it already. For one, I have it with my old high school friend Shoshana. Also, my professor is a French copy of Julie Andrews, and she's awesome. She breaks out into French occasionally, and I just adore this woman already. Most importantly, the books we'll be studying put me in ecstasy. To name a few: Odyssey, Bible, Crime and Punishment, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and quite a few more. All classics, or, being now educated, all ä part of the English canon. I love that class. I love it how when she asked everyone for their favorite book people listed Shakesperean tragedies, Kafka's major works, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy etc. These are people who joined into the rave about what garbage the books like Princess Diaries and Gossip Girl are and how our society's literacy is deteriorating at a frightening speed. I have this course once a week for three hours and it is a full year course.

That's it! The first three courses will be replaced by other ones at the end of the semester, but let's live till then. ;) So far, all my classes are in one general direction (and that's lucky, considering the campus is huge). I also spent like $600 on books so far. Which.. is not bad. :P

uni stuff

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