(no subject)

Sep 17, 2007 21:38

Hey guys!!

I must apologize for not being on here for the last little while. I know I haven't checked my f-page for a while and haven't commented. I would ask you to drop me a line and tell me how you are doing and what's been up etc., but I know that's not going to happen. This is for the few of you that actually noticed my absence and check this thing to see what's up.

Here's the deal. First days of uni are stressful. I still don't have a computer, thus internet, in my room. I bought a new one from Dell, but that one still has to ship for a couple of weeks. So, not having easy access to the internet, I don't go on here all that often. Once I settle in and my computer arrives, I shall be back.

Hope all of you are doing well! I'm sorry if I missed something important.

Love you all!!
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