The highlight of the day: Me sneezing and head-butting Pat in the nose. Ooops. :D
Did pretty much nothing the whole day. Watched Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. It is a very very very bad moive. Honestly, there is nothing even to say about it except that it sucks serious monkey balls.
Tried to organise a little gathering tomorrow for all you can eat sushi downtown at Mariko, which is one of the best all you can eat sushi places ever, through Facebook. Of course, it wasn't thought through all that well, so Pat and I ended up sending out invitations way too late for most. Some people said they might show up, and I hope they do. I'm craving sushi!! :D
On that note, Dina, I sent you invite through Facebook, but it may have gone to your junk-mail folder. You, or anyone else who's interested at all, the info is