Jul 03, 2008 17:52
There's a little girl in my first period class who likes to march around the room saying "My name is Officer Package-of-Paper" so that it sounds like packageopapah.
Four-day work week! I wanted this week to go by really quickly and it did. Yesterday was nuts. First, during camp the kiddies were painting giant monster-self-portraits on the floor and kept getting paint all over the carpet, causing us to panic, although actually that carpet has a sad, sad near future of being torn up and dumped into the trash anyways. Huzzah! After camp I hung out with Emily for a bit and watched "Paris, je t'aime", which was oh so francais, in all those stereotypical french film ways. But still amusing and good. Then we went to the camp director's house for a potluck, which was alright. Not super fun, because I don't love mingling, but still nice to speak to camp people outside of the camp setting. There was tons of food and I didn't really eat any of it; I think I was too absorbed in trying to be less awkward with mingling. There was some good CIT bonding, and I pretty much only spoke to them, unless you count a few sparse sentences to Tom and one to Ben (the cute photo guy). Then we went back to Emily's and I drove home from there, and then collapsed into bed.
This morning I was still exhausted so I sort of wanted to murder all campers for a while, but after lunch it wore off. Cabaret was surprisingly so much fun today. The songs are really starting to come together. Joe is still a creep -- he's so aggressively determined around girls. I hate that he goes up to us and says "hey, kittens". What the hell? Kittens?! That definitely has a sexist undertone, even if he doesn't mean it. And don't talk to us during carpool, it's not even your job, and I told you I didn't want to go out with you, and you're dressed as a cowboy!! Weeird.
The kids are hilarious. Some of them are frustrating, but usually most of them are just hilarious. The little boys want me to play "Puff the Magic Dragon" for them during the noontime show, and I hope I don't forget to practice that (seeing as I barely remember the song and they don't have the music for it). They're adorable. One of them has huge eyes and a funny laugh and loves to sit behind people without them knowing and stare at them forever until they notice, and then he laughs crazily. He does this so many times every day and always finds it amusing; it's actually kind of adorable.
The day before yesterday I talked to this old (ish) camp friend of mine whom I am SO close with and thought I'd never ever get out of touch with...but we haven't seen each other or talked all year. I was so happy to chat with her about school and college-prep frustrations and share SAT hatred. We planned to get together later this month.
I finally got tickets to go visit my sister in Chicago!!! She was home in June, but only for one measly week, before going back to live and work in Chicago until September. I'm going to visit her from the 19th to the 22nd. I can't wait! She's in her snazzy new apartment, and John will be there, and we're going to go to Devon Street (the Indian neighborhood with amazing food) and the Vietnamese neighborhood (I've never had Vietnamese food but I really want to try it, and hear John speak to the waiters in Vietnamese), and do all sorts of fun things. I'm just so excited to see her again! Wheeee!
And the week before that, my old camp friend Lydia is coming to Massachusetts, and I haven't seen her for a year since she lives in Virginia, and I love her so much I can't express it. This is going to be a fun month. :)
The only part that's REEEALLY anti-fun about this month is that I really need to start working on college applications. My goal is to get all my essays done before the school year starts, and I've just barely begun thinking about them. I've had the Common Application sitting on my desk for a week. It's huge and intimidating and I'm sort of scared to touch it. There must be a row or two or three of tiny jagged teeth, and some little scaly claws in there somewhere, just waiting for me. But this weekend I am going to FORCE myself to do SOMETHING productive and college-related. I MUST.
Oh, and BN wanted me to mention him in my blog more often, so here ya go. Well, actually he made a cameo appearance in my dream last night...I was at my cousin's wedding, and he was in the crowd, but he had curly blond hair so I was REALLY confused. That's really all. Sorry to not have more exciting things to say on that note. I haven't talked to him a ton lately because things have been rather busy. But I'll write something more interesting about him later. Now you have to mention me in your blog :D
One weird thing about that dream was that in it, my house had an elevator. At first I was surprised to see it, but I thought that I just had forgotten about it for a while. I still remembered how to use it, but for some reason I tied a balloon onto the top of it (the elevator wasn't attached to the house at all, of course), and the balloon lifted the entire elevator up into the air and it floated away! A whole huge elevator! So that was a big whoops! on my part.
I'm pretty happy I've got a four-day weekend now. The work week was short, but I wouldn't want it to be any longer. Work is tiring enough. Tomorrow's the fourth of July. I'm not doing anything for most of the day except maybe going to a little parade where you get candy thrown at you, and in the late afternoon my New York grandparents are coming over and so are my aunt and uncle. I'm looking forward to seeing them, although I'm a bit disappointed that I can't go to a gathering with friends in the evening.
Animation is so easy and yet so difficult. Bleh. But still fun. I made a little dude do some karate kicks and punches and jump-kicks.
I think I'm going to go finish my French Harry Potter book. I made it just about to the end the other night, but have been too sleepy in the evenings to finish it. So I guess I'll go do that now. Toodles!
old friends