LONG weekend

Jun 29, 2008 19:01

It's been a strange few days.
Friday: So remember that post I wrote a few days ago about how there was someone who I wasn't sure if they were flirting with me or not, and that I needed to be careful that they don't think that I'm flirting with them? Well, sure enough my instincts were correct, and he asked me out on Friday. In the morning I had a voicemail from Emily telling me that he had asked her if she know whether or not I was "available", so I spent the whole day trying to avoid him, which is difficult when you work at the same camp. I got through the first half of the day without more than a friendly shoulder punch and a "hey, you", and the daily slightly-uncomfortable him trying to catch my eye multiple times during morning check-in. But then, in between fifth and sixth period I was minding my own business heading over to wire jewelry, when he suddenly popped up, and asked what I'd been dreading. Thank god I was prepared in advanced so I knew just how to gently do the thanks-but-no-thanks-it's-not-you-I'm-just-not-looking-for-a-relationship-right-now thing. Apparently it hasn't really phased him though; he still asks me at least once a day either in person, on facebook, or aim how my day has gone or is going, even if I already saw him earlier in the day. Oy. He is persistent, but at least now I don't have to worry about that whole thing.

Saturday: I slept in a little bit but not much. I'd told my dad I would help him rip up and replace the bathroom floor, which ended up being a long, boring, and slightly tiring process. But half of the tiredness came from the boredom, not the manual labor. I was relieved that when my mom came home from work I subtly resigned from my duties, and the job was close enough to being finished that I didn't really need to help out anymore. I love my dad and quality time together and all, but four hours of standing around and occasionally drilling some wood or scraping up a tile does get to be a bit dull no matter what.
The weather was kind of crappy, so we (mes parents et moi) decided to escape to the even darker air-conditioned cave of the movie theater to see Wall-E. Pixar has done it again. The movie was incredible. It was so interesting and engaging and spot-on in everything that it tried to execute. Another perfectly animated movie that's totally not a kids' movie. It's really wrong that on the little newspaper ads, the big caption above the picture is "The most fun you'll have all summer!" because it's totally not like that at all. There's really no fun in the movie. There are some humorous moments and some really happy moments, but no fun. And it should be that way. Ah well. I suggest you read the New York Times review of it; it's really beautifully written and eloquently accurate.
We got home from the movie around dinner time, and we were all famished. I didn't eat dinner though, because I got all these calls from people telling me to come to Colin's. I'll admit, I really wasn't very keen on going. I can get really OCD-control-freak about plans. I hate last-minute plans; they really make me insane. But once I was there and settled into things, I felt totally better. I was happy to be among friends, sitting around watching a silly movie and eating and laughing. It was fun. I was especially glad David and Andrew were there because I haven't seen them at all since school. The potato gun was gross and hilarious, and that frightening noise the cat made at us when we tried to pet it. Driving home in the foggy dark was eerie. When I got home I ate the most delicious peach, read for a while, and had a not-so-restful sleep (I randomly woke up at like 4 and didn't fall back to sleep for a while, and then had really elaborate dreams until I woke up, feeling like I hadn't actually slept).

Sunday: This morning I got up on the earlier side and my dad made really yummeh cinnamon waffles that stuck to the pan (we decided against early morning kayaking since the weather was kind of gross), so we ate them in little ripped-off bits. They were so good. Then I reorganized this corner of my room, which felt fun and exciting (what?! It did!), and my mom cleaned and my dad set up things for mid-day kayaking. The two of us went kayaking pretty locally, and I thought it was going to be too hot and humid but it was actually really nice. It was really warm, but the minute you dipped your hands in the water you felt heavenly. It was delightful, getting splashed all over by your own paddle, racing over to where the motorboats' waves were heading, getting good exercise but taking lots of breaks to just breathe in the slightly salty air and relish in the bit of breeze. When we came home I scarfed down a late lunch and then went out to buy jeans, since one of the pairs I've been living in for a while has officially become too ripped. I got two pairs and it only took a few minutes, because I decided to skip the usual epic pants ordeal by just grabbing the brand and size that I knew fit, because they were the same as the ones that I was replacing but in a different wash. :P The rest of the afternoon I pretty much just hung out and read and computered and stuff, and then after dinner I cleaned the kitchen, which was relaxing.
This evening I've been researching colleges again, because it's time for me to plan out the next six months of my life. I don't want to, but I must, for it will make things so much easier.
Here's my college list (not in order of preference):
Brown, Wesleyan, Oberlin, Vassar, Bowdoin, Haverford, Bates, Smith, Bard, Skidmore, Kenyon, Bryn Mawr. Whoop!

Oh, P.S. Why the hell won't the thunderstorms stop? I mean, I love thunderstorms, but it's getting to be a bit much! Plus, the dog won't stop PEEING. Tonight was a double wammy: one thunderstorm, TWO beds soaked! I've been doing non-stop humongous laundry loads of sheets, blankets, duvet covers, and even MATTRESS PADS. Didn't think it'd soak through so many layers as all the way down to the MATTRESS PAD. Impressive, in a disgusting kind of way.

sleep, bathroom, work, weekend, chloe dog, animation, weather, vacation, bored, movie, friends, college, insanity, guys, food, fun

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