Oct 12, 2003 21:29
It seems like Quentin Tarantino is to movies what DJ's are to music. I don't know a whole lot about the stuff that the guy pulls from (blaxploitation, kung fu, samurai flicks, spaghetti westerns, etc), but after reading about Kill Bill for a little while (yes, I'm obsessed) it turns out that practically every element of the movie--from the story to the costumes, props, soundtrack, and direction--has been appropriated directly from another movie. I mean, every artist does this to some extent, and it's not a bad thing by any means; in fact I think it's part of what makes art really cool, since everything's always being built on top of something else, like a new voice in an ongoing conversation or something.
And given that, it's interesting to see the level that Tarantino operates at, as though for him "making a movie" is just taking what you loved most about every movie you've ever seen and distilling it all into one film.
I think that's really cool.