Ode to Cary Elwes you sexy beast

Jul 11, 2011 23:35

So I finally saw the Princess Bride today ( i know i'm like 40 years too late for this to be relevant but whatever) and it was AMAZEBALLS!!! I am now officially crushing on a young Cary Elwes before he got all aged and unattractive.... ok thats not entirely true, I still totally WOULD even though he's like the same age as my dad or whatever. i love his smarmy,arrogant British ways. and he's never failed to delight me in the movies I've watched him in.... oh God I think I do have a thing for the Brits. and the Aussies. damn damn damn... also Mandy Patankin as Idigo Montoya or however you spell it? totally would as well. like HARD.

sexy beasts, cary elwes, films

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