Dec 17, 2010 14:40
“Dog on the loose! Dog on the loose!”
Nothing will capture your attention in a veterinary clinic like that urgent cry.
Milo had decided that today was not a good day to get a shot.
Milo was a big boy, 70 pounds of black Lab-mix energy. About a year old, so full of vim and vigor. In a truly acrobatic feat of physics, he got out of his collar, leaving it and his leash behind in the treatment room. He burst through the swinging doors into the back hallways of the Humane Society with several lab assistants at his heels. He hit the lobby at top speed.
Milo at this point was a bundle of ass-in-the-air, tail-wagging, dog-grinning, tongue-lolling joy. There were so many people trying to play with him! He feigned right. He feigned left. He pirouetted just out of reach. He ignored treats - this playing was much too entertaining! Two chihuahuas and a corgi in the lobby yelped their encouragement. “Stick it to the MAN, Milo!” Our clinic cat, Ninny, sat regally in his usual spot on the printer, watching the proceedings with disdain. You could practically see the thought balloon over his head with just one word in it: “Idiots.”
Then suddenly the unthinkable happened. Milo was heavy enough to activate our automatic doors, and dashed into the parking lot.
Now things were much more serious. We’re surrounded by busy streets. And Milo was intent on not being caught. Every time he raced toward the road, he was regaled with many people shouting “Milo! NO!” Suddenly his new friends weren’t playing nice, and he didn’t understand why. He was having the time of his life.
Finally, his owner went over to their car. Milo loves riding in the car. She climbed in and shouted “Milo! Let’s go for a ride!” He galloped over and jumped in, where he was greeted with a collar and leash. Milo was safe. We were exhausted.
After he was safely vaccinated, with a shiny new rabies tag on the hated collar, Milo sat contentedly by his owner as she paid the bill. Yes, he did end up getting a shot. But his moments of hilarious freedom would be savored for years to come. Milo had made it. Milo had been liberated.
lj idol week 7