Jan 31, 2011 23:04
I tell you what, things seem awfully slow tonight. Livejournal, Tumblr, Twitter - where are all you people? Daaaayum.
So, following the theme of 'Spring-Cleaning-In-Summer' I seem to be going through right now, I've just done a friends cut.
I doubt this will really affect anyone. I basically just cut anyone who hasn't updated in roughly 5 - 6 months (unless I knew you personally, then you were pretty much safe). Eh, and it was obvious I hadn't done one of these in a long time, because there were journals that hadn't been updated since 2008!
So anyway, this post is basically a chance for anyone who wants to de-friend with no hard feelings to speak up, or just get right to it. I've been pretty terrible on here for a while now, I think, so it would pretty understandable. For that reason, and also for my overuse of commas. Either way. Oh, or if I've cut you, but you're actually still around lurking to say 'Bitch, I will cut you if you don't take me back!'. You can come too.
But hey, this can also be a post for people to ask me anything you'd like as well. I've fallen out of touch with most of you, so even a 'Uh, who are you?' would be welcome. Or this post can just sit here, lonely and silent like a ghost-town, reflecting the barren wasteland of my updating schedule of the last few months instead. It's all the same to me.
And once more, what was meant to be a relatively short post has turned into me rambling yet again. I'm out.
friends cut