Name: Kacie.
Age: Currently 22.
Gender: Female.
Location: Sydney (or thereabouts), NSW, Australia, Earth, the Universe. Whatever.
Religion: Agnostic.
Politics: No, thanks.
Studying: Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) at UNSW.
Edit: Graduating! D-Day - March 14th.
Just a little someone like me. It's also funny that over half the photos I just chose are the ones I'm drunk in. XD
AIM: The Masked Fool
maskedfool Leave your contact details here and I'll add you (and screen them if you so wish). :D
• Living back with my family on the Central Coast, in Springfield. Cue Simpsons jokes. XD
• I have two siblings, a sister named Ashleigh (21), and a brother, Jacob (17).
• I ramble quite a lot.
• When I get excited I talk really fast, and laugh really loudly.
• I swear quite a bit.
• I drive a bright green 1972 VW Superbug. A lot of the time it drives me too. Up the wall.
• I’m rather absent-minded and forgetful. The best way to describe this is scatterbrained.
• I’m pretty laidback most of the time; I like to take things as they come.
• I have a bit of a weird sense of humour.
• Very low maintenance. My hair is lucky if it sees a brush once a week.
• I’m not religious. I don’t believe in ‘God’ via organised religion. However I do believe that there is something out there, a higher power or some such. I’ve never really cared to define it past that though.
• I’m not much for politics at all. I’m pretty oblivious most of the time in fact.
• I have a big interest in film. My favourite genre is horror, and I seem to have a thing for zombie movies in particular.
• My music tastes generally run towards rock or some variation.
• I used to be quite a big reader, primarily fantasy and sci-fi. However since uni started, I really haven’t been reading that much at all. I may also have been spoiled by manga.
• Fandom-wise I’m peobably most active in the Sherlock fandom, which is to say, not very active at all, but I'm hoping to change a bit of that soon.
• I read fanfiction.
• I do enjoy slash.
• I adore anime.
• I watch a little too much TV these days, if by 'TV', you mean 'episodes downloaded off the internet' (and I do).
I live in my own world a little too much.
Info Friends Only